A momentarily correction regarding the REVELATION 12 SIGN
I note, and mostly on the internet, that many people ask themselves: 'what if on September 23, 2017 when the sign of Revelation 12 appears in the constellation Virgo and Leo, nothing will happen!"
At the same time, I consequently note that many people have too less insight regarding 'biblical signs'. That same day nothing will happen, same as on all other previous signs like solar eclips and Blood Moons!
Signs only serve to notify a change of times, in this case it regards worse times to come which will sooner or later take place after this date. Signs are announcements for something bad to come regarding, in first place Israel, and in the context of end times it concern the whole world, more specific: all those who are against Israel!
So, do not believe the world is facing the next seven prosperous years, because it just will be the opposite, and by this you are been warned.
Note: this sign shall only be visible during daytime, also seen from Jerusalem!
1 And a great sign appeared in heaven:
a woman clothed in the sun, with the
moon under her feet and a crown of
twelve stars on her head.
2 She was pregnant and crying out in
the pain and agony of giving birth.
What we already know regarding bible's endtime prophecies:
Dark times awaits the world, most meant for Israel and the M. East, but also the West!
A brief reminder from recent history
In 1973 Europe (EEG) sold her soul to the devil for a few barrels of oil!
Om that moment, when the secret agreements between EEG and OIC were sealed, Europe turned her back on Israel under pressure of the oil Arabs. !!!
Ding Dong, is there something ringing in your atticroom between your ears?!
What says Genesis 13:2-3: "And I will make you a great nation, And I will bless you, And make your name great; And so you shall be a blessing; 3 And I will bless those who bless you, And the one who curses you I will curse. And in you all the families of the earth will be blessed."
Those who turn their back on Israel will be cursed! Look back in history and what do we see: all empires, nations, people who once turned their back, or attacked Israel went down or got tribulations and distress, and it started with Egypt and the pharao. Great Brittain lost global power after turning away from Israel and allied with the Arabs, USA went down with Bush and Obama, both anti Israel and Europe now gets all the misery over her head because she at first betrayed Israel and at the same time the EU betrayed her own people for a few barrels of oil, and by this hidden agreement signed in 1973 which went viral as a faked oil crisis: Europe sold her soul to the devil and that's why pagan Europe now is pro islam!
If Europe allied friendly with Israel without interference of the Muslim world, than Europe would experienced the greatest prosperity, but EU chosed to deal with the devil and now shall face the evil expensive!
Read this article about how Islam suppressed the West and still does and the West bows down like a frightened slave!
The Subversion of Dhimmitude in Eurabia
Bat Ye’or denotes the relevance of dhimmitude, its attempt to subvert law-based European rules and its menacing dynamics:
Relevance of Dhimmitude today….jihad ideology of world conquest, propelled by billions of petrodollars facilitated by complacency of European governments is flourishing in every corner of the world.
Bat Ye’or details the “cog mechanism” of the Euro-Arab Dialogue (EAD):
Parliamentary Association for Euro-Arab Cooperation or PAEAC formed in 1973 by the Council of Europe,
Euro-Arab Parliamentary Association (EAPA),
Arab Inter-Parliamentary Union (AIPU),
Union for the Mediterranean created by French President Sarkozy (UfM),
Euro-Mediterranean Parliamentary Assembly (EMPA).
PAEAC is the cornerstone of the Eurabia network. Formed in 1973 in the wake of the Arab Oil boycott following the Yom Kippur War, the EAD was an offshoot of PAEAC. Funds for its operations came from a Swiss foundation with Arab funding. PAEAC had additional aid from the European Council. The PEAC program was anti-American and anti-Israel. It pushed Muslim emigration giving migrants the same rights as EU citizens. The European Commission Brussels Declaration of 1973 “called on Israel to return to the 1949 armistice lines and for the first time recognized the rights of the newly created people, the Palestinians.”
What we already know regarding bible's endtime prophecies:
Dark times awaits the world, most meant for Israel and the M. East, but also the West!
In brief:
-Antichrist (the 7headed beast) is islam, the harlet (woman who sits upon the beast) is Saudi Arabia and Mecca: both shall be destroyed by the beast: islam shall defeat itself! (with the help of far nations, Isaiah 13: Judgment against Babylon or current Middle East)
-Son of perdition: could be: El Hassan bin Talal: prince of Jordan who wants to become king of Irak, with the help several islamic nations! But currently Erdogan of Turkey would also fit this profile. ( In islamic eschatology he represents the Imam Madhi or their saviour)
Rev 13:11-13: "Then I saw another beast rising out of the earth. This beast had two horns like a lamb, but spoke like a dragon. 12 And this beast exercised all theauthority of the first beast and caused the earthand those who dwell in it to worship the first beast,whose mortal wound had been healed. 13 And the second beast performed great signs to cause even fire from heaven to come down to earth in the presence of the people.…"
-False prophet already current, but hasn't appeared yet, but very soon! (In islamic eschatology he represents Isa, the muslim Jesus and assists the second beast!)
Bible says: in those days humanity will be astonished by seeing supernatural things, then some shall repent, others still won't.
For this: repent and be ready by full awakening!
Blessed and shalom