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Nebuchadnezzar’s dream and the 4 beasts-empires of Daniel

Nebuchadnezzar’s dream and Daniel's four beasts represent the 7 headed beast of Revelation!


-Lion refers to ancient Babylon which current is Iraq and allies, where current most are converting into Christianity. The wings at first refer to freedom, but then after being plucked this nation fell apart but then wisdom came along …

Daniel 7: 4: "The first was like a lion and had the wings of an eagle. I kept looking until its wings were plucked, and it was lifted up from the ground and made to stand on two feet like a man; a human mind also was given to it.


-Leopard represents ancient Greece which current are: Turkey, Syria, Lebanon and Jordan: 4 heads of the leopard. Four wings mean ‘spread in all directions’ which regards the Greek empire of Alexander the Great which after his death was parted in four little empires! These verses all refer to one and the same empire: ancient and current Northern Middle East!

Daniel 7: 6: "After this I kept looking, and behold, another one, like a leopard, which had on its back four wings of a bird; the beast also had four heads, and dominion was given to it.…

‘It was given dominion’? Turkey, Syria, Lebanon’s Hezbollah against Israel, Jordan against Israel and allied with Turkey…? Could currently match!

-Bear refers to ancient Medio Persia which current is violent Iran and allies: current Iran with her Ayatollah bombs, meanwhile has raised again from being banned by Western reprovals and now feels free to threaten and attack whoever they want!

Daniel 7: 5: "And behold, another beast, a second one, resembling a bear. And it was raised up on one side, and three ribs were in its mouth between its teeth; and thus they said to it, 'Arise, devour much meat!


-Fourth beast is the 7 headed beast of Revelation 17 referring to whole Islamic Middle East. All these current nations once in history made part of all 7 ancient fallen empires: Egypt, Assyria, Babylon, Persia, Greece, Rome, Ottoman… and the eight comes out of the seven and is the seventh!

Western Rome never made part of all these empires, except the Roman Empire itself of course, but excludes Rome or current Europe as the beast, that’s obviously. It all concerns Islamic Middle East.

The ten horns refer to ten nations who will make a peace treaty inclusive Israel and maybe Vatican. But on a certain moment the beast islam will turn and break the covenant and attacks at first the non-Islamic countries, which in this case is only Israel as being the only democratic nation in the Middle East. If then Vatican is involved in this peace treaty, the West shall react with embargo’s or whatever, but at that moment the beast earned too much power and the worst tribulations will start in the Middle East as in the West as well by cause of the treaty.

This is why the bible warns us not to mingle with these pagans and to go out of her (the harlot)! But the West lost her Christianity. She lost her moralities and her first rooted ideology of the Cross: the gospel has no influence anymore. The only thing that matters is economic treat influence, weapons and oil trading, power and money… the idols of this world. The West, in particular Europe has become a pagan empire, they do not even pronounce the Eternal after some important treats or covenants, nor do they ask for divine blessings, and that’s the reason Islamic jihadists now shouts to Europe: ‘we fight for our ideology for we have one,  while you stupid Europeans doesn’t even have one to fight for!’ And they got it right! But doesn’t give islam any right to attack all non-muslim nations, but despite they do!

Europe now does not even try to silence the enemy. They not even warn them not to harm their divine Christianity. The only thing they do is tolerating Islam and punish all islamophobics who in fact the majority consists of their own people who were betrayed by their own leaders, but this can only result in one big disaster and a ruling Islamic power, which is already happening. Are we true Christians ready to let us undermine by pagan slaughters only because of the fact they think Christians are weak creatures?

No! We must teach them that only Christianity possesses the greatest human values or did our leaders lost the core of the Gospel? The core of the Gospel consists only of: ‘Treat you neighbor like you want to be treated yourself, that’s the Law and the Prophets”, and thereby believing in the salvation of forgiveness by the Cross is undeniably: and this means forgiveness WITHOUT judgment! WITHOUT, Do they get this? Do you get this? I hope you all do, otherwise you all are lost in any matter. The Vatican’s doctrine is the one that teaches you that you shall be saved in any case, whether you are a Christian or not doesn’t matter, for all gods lead to one god, he says, but that’s a lie and won’t save you, but only judge you!

It’s not a sin to reprove many, it’s a duty and I hope many listen.

Regarding the beasts:

All these three beasts make part of the 7 headed beast which make four beasts. When allied mutually, then we get an empire of 10 kings/islamic nations/10 horns, in the Middle East, where after we see the whole complete picture of the beast with seven heads come true and confirmed, representing all current allied islamic nations in the Middle East.

It's undeniable that Islam and the reviving new Ottoman Empire represent the feet of Nebuchadnezzar’s dream, but without knowing first, also Daniel got a similar dream by the visions of the four beasts!


The beast islam never will mingle same as iron and clay never will be steadfast. But what we know about Islam is that this ideology never will be mutually strong by the presence of Sunni and Shiites and both ‘iron / Shia’ and ‘clay / sunny’ never cohere and finally shall undergo by self-extermination. When thereafter also Vatican would interfere in a way or another, we probably get a hugh mess!


Another thought could also be that current pope, who now is negotiating with several Middle East kings, leaders, Imams ECT..., and probably is trying to get some peace treaty between the West and Middle East or between christians and muslims. This to achieve one acceptable religion of both which but could result in a new Eurabia which obviously, i hope, never will occur!

Anyway, when islam gets down and is defeated, the Vatican goes with her. The only thing Vatican currently is running for, is to get Jerusalem in their power while knowing islam also does, and this suits the best for Roman Vatican: thus co-operating with Middle East is the ultimate message for the Roman church and Europe they probably assume. But we know the Vatican today undermines Israel as being the lost people for they rejected their God and the Messiah, and they believe that only the Vatican now is under divine control, but they are wrong, very wrong! Did the Eternal said this for fun: “I bless those who bless thy Israel, and curse those who curse thy!” Why Europe is falling down do you think? Because she rejects Israel and allies with Islamic Arabs and forgets who's the God of Hosts! But Europe’s leaders are still blind and ignorant, and their kind of underscored christianity won't help nor save them and the people neither.


This, dear brothers and sisters regards a view from my speculative perspective and I hope the pope never will succeed signing a peace treaty between christians and muslims for then it's over and out with us true christians by Word, for the vatican doesn't like us that much!

To all Roman church followers I only advise to convert into true christianity by Word, so you all can be saved too when Yeshua returns! Let’s be honest and have deep insight: how can a God of war be identified with a God of love, forgiveness and free us from judgment?

Therefore dear brothers and sisters muslims too, please have some deeper insight and think about this so we all can join the Lord and become everlasting souls of peace and righteousness, cause I know many muslims are seeking for peace and holiness, freedom and justice, but they are on the wrong side by worshipping the wrong god of war and death!

And despite all, we all are daily sinners, myself included, but your reward shall be greater when you honor the true Eternal and His begotten Son Yeshua.



Shalom and blessed



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