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The Ages of God's creation timeline

The Difference Between Signs and Constellations    Watch video: God's determined time for mankind

  It is very important to note that there is a difference between the signs of the zodiac and the actual constellations in the sky. The signs of the zodiac have been used as a fixed coordinate system while the constellations themselves have changed over the years. The constellations have been used for centuries to keep track of the movements of the planets and moons along the ecliptic.

To understand why constellations no longer align with their corresponding signs, we need to know a little bit more about how the Earth moves. And something about how we measure time. More on: Signs and constellations are not the same

The fascination of research about what the "end of times" would imply is mainly about God's creation timeline. We people have our own calendar according to Gregorian timeline AD, but if Gregorius was correct about his timeline we do not know but can be sure it isn't, but however, the Gregorian year zero corresponds (at least I assume) with the beginning of the Fish Age or Age of Pisces which will end in 2160 AD. Yeshua's birth, although 3 BCE according to the Gregorian count, thus announced a new aeon or age. Some astronomers state that the Age of Pisces definitely started about 148 BCE after a transition period out of the Age of Aries; in which I only agree with because the 'age' calendar cann't be assimilated nor compared with the Gregorian calendar which is only a human assumption. The next age is the Age of Aquarius. Currently we live in the Age of Pisces.

If the Age of Pisces is the age of Yeshua: the fish, fisherman; then we could assume that He will not return until the Age of Pisces hasn't ended or most likely just before it ends. He could probably and almost sure return before the actually start of the Age of Aquarius.
Then who dares to fashion an end of age or in the current context of end of days regarding rapture and second coming according to a so called sign in heaven? But we know that God will shorten the days for the sake of the elect. Again but, we do not know the length of those shortened days which also implies that no one knows the day or the hour! And no men will ever know!

The constellations or zodiac and their pad are with all certainty the immutable and divine timeline for only the Most High created the universe and all what is in it. To determine a timeline by the zodiac constellations is surely permitted and not against the divine principals of our Heavenly Father. Here we talk about astronomy not astrology!

The aeons or ages determined by the zodiac is a perfectly sophisticated timeline so that all doubts of an omnipotent creator is nullified.

The average time period of 2160 years for each age, meaning that the period that the earth rotates through each constellation, inclusive the sun's pad through the constellations, is not always equal as there are longer and shorter periods according to smaller and larger constellations of which some even overlap each other.

I used an existing timeline and added only the two last Age timelines: Pisces and Aquarius. 

Following chard used as an example only, not as being correct regarding the end!

Signs and constellations; the difference!

'The end of the world (age) and the coming golden age' (Book by Robert Fitzgerald)

Some ages are:

1:Age of Cancer: 8640 to 6480 BC
2:Age of Gemini: 6480 to 4320 BC
3:Age of Taurus: 4320 to 2160 BC
4:Age of Aries: 2160 to 0 BC
5:Age of Pisces: 0 (?) to 2160 AD
6:Age of Aquarius: 2160 AD to 4300 AD

12 ages of 2160 yrs (average) each age gives us a total of 25920 yrs and a total orbit period of our solar system through all ages.

The sum of all the 12 Ages is often called “the Great Year,” or a total of 26,000 years as the most known rounded number to appoint a Galactical year or Great Year.

There are 12 ages (25920 yrs) each devided into 12x180 years. They flow in a forward progression through the signs of the zodiac, while the ages proceed backwards.  Within each age there is a cycle of twelve periods (180 yrs) and in their turn (180/12) devided into 12x15 years = 180 yrs'. This is the division and duration of each era/age, and  which also determine historical events and their duration every 15 and 180 yrs, or sometimes a multiplication of these fractions of periods!


1.  Aries  12
2.  Taurus  11
3.  Gemini 10
4.  Cancer  9
5.  Leo   8
6.  Virgo  7
7.  Libra  6
8.  Scorpius  5
9.  Sagittarius  4 
10. Capricornus 3
11. Aquarius  2
12. Pisces  1


The Age of Pisces started, probably still in transition with Aries, about year zero (definitely 148 BCE as some claim?) Gregorian, although we know Yeshua was born in 3 BC. 
The Aquarius Age then normally should start about 2160 AD! But we know that 2012 was an end date of a cycle or Galactical year, but actually we are still in a transition from Pisces into Aquarius caused by the overlapping period between both constellations.

Does bible talks about the ages? Yes, Yeshua did! He never said 'the end of the world', but 'the end of the age', for the original word for the translated word 'world' is 'aeon' and thus not world as many mistranslations. He was talking about the end of the age (of Pisces) and the corresponding generation (of that same age) which shall not pass until everything is fulfilled! Thus He was talking about a generation which would last about more than 2000 years and already present during His ministry and that's the reason why He said this to His disciples for they already made part of that Pisces generation! It is all about an age generation not a 70 year generation as many claim, for in those days He said this to His people, not to us!

Where else in scripture we read about the ages:

from: 2 Esdras 14 Common English Bible (CEB) Babylonian captivity:

Ezra renews the scriptures: 

14 On the third day I was sitting under an oak tree

2 when a voice came out of a bush opposite me and said, “Ezra, Ezra!”

I said: “I’m here, Lord!” and I got up on my feet.
He said to me:

3 “I revealed myself in a bush and spoke to Moses when my people were enslaved in Egypt.

4 I sent him and brought my people out of Egypt, and I led him to Mount Sinai, and I kept him with me for many days.

5 I told him many wondrous things and showed him the secrets of the times and the end of the times. I commanded him, saying,

6 ‘You will make these words public, but you will keep these other words secret.’

7 Now I say to you,

8 the signs that I showed you, the dreams that you saw, and the interpretations you heard—place them in your heart!

9 You will be taken from among human beings, and you will associate from now on with my Son and with those who are like you until the times (ages) are finished.

10 The age (aeon) is no longer young, and the times are beginning to grow old. 

11 The age is divided into twelve parts. Nine parts and half of the tenth part have already passed. 
12 Two parts in addition to half of the tenth part remain. 

13 Now then put your house in order; give solemn instruction to your people. Console the humble among them, and instruct those who are wise. Renounce now this corruptible life,

14 put away short-lived thoughts, cast off from yourself human burdens, strip off your weak nature, push aside the thoughts that most trouble you, and hasten to depart from these times.

15 As for the evils that you have now seen happen, people will yet do worse than these.

16 The weaker the world[d] becomes because of old age, the more will evils multiply upon those who dwell in it.

17 Truth will depart and falsehood will come near. Even now the eagle, which you saw in your vision, hastens to come.”


2 Esdras: the books.

The Lord said to Ezra: "11 The age is divided into twelve parts."  

We know there are 12 eras of 180 years each within each age of 2160 yrs. This is a wonderful statement made by our Lord that His time can only be determined by the zodiac constellation pads. The age the Lord spoke of in Esra's time was the Age of Aries. The next age shall be the Age of Pisces, starting at zero? Gregorian (148 BCE), and which definitely started sometime after the birth of the Messiah and we currently still live in.

When did the Lord said this to Ezra? Ezra lived during the Babylonian captivity and approximate in the year 457 BC.

If the Lord said: "Two parts (2 era of 180 yrs) in addition to half (90 yrs) of the tenth part remain" it means 2 x 180 + 90 yrs is 450 yrs until the next age of Pisces would begin. But is 457 BC a correct date?

Date of Ezra's revelations:

Quote: Ezra was living in Babylon when in the seventh year (c. 457 BCE) of Artaxerxes, king of Persia, the king sent him to Jerusalem to teach the laws of God to any who did not know them.

Another research says:

Quote: Ezra, thirty years into the Babylonian Exile (4 Ezra 3:1 / 2 Esdras 1:1), recounts the siege of Jerusalem and the destruction of Solomon's Temple. This would place these revelations in the year 557 BCE, a full century before the date given in the canonical Ezra.

Now we got two dates! If Ezra is right about his revelations, we then get another closer to zero Gregorian date.

If we would consider that Ezra's revelations took place between the two dates: 557 and 457 BC than this is already a remarkable match, but vers 11 says: "half of the tenth part have already passed!", which means more than the half of the tenth is passed, and brings us to 450 BC which accords with two and a half era minus 1 or more years. Three parts would have been 3 x 180 is 540 yrs BC, two and a half era are 2 x 180 + 90 is 450 yrs BC, but half of the tenth part have already passed, so it must be earlier than 450 BC Ezra got the visions and the same amount remaining eras or years until the next age of Pisces which started at the notional year Zero on which also our current Gregorian calendar started!

Is this book of 2 Esdras not something as astonishing regarding the constellations and their pad through time to determine the ages as being astrological ages named after the zodiac signs, but called 'not inspired by God' by those who rejected it from being a biblical book! But however, the book of Daniel obviously seemed to be inspired, which indeed is, but Esdras' books definitely are! Here we see that those first Roman church fathers had some problems with the term 'inspired'.

When I first read 2 Esdras I was amazed by the text but mostly wondered about what the Lord meant by those twelve ages. The day I watched a documentairy about the zodiac constellations, I knew what the Lord wanted us to make clear. In bible we sometimes read about the end of the world or end of times, but actually it refers to the end of an age as Yeshua himself said to His disciples: "I am with you always, even unto the end of the age." His age, the Age of Pisces which ends about 2160 AD, and contains 'the generation which shall not pass... !' 

Read also 2 Esdras 7

Watch video: Ezra and the last days




The end of the age:
In bible we read: Luke 22

The Last Supper (picture of the bridegroom and his bride)
(Psalm 41:1-13; Matthew 26:17-25; Mark 14:12-21; John 13:18-30)

7Then came the day of unleavened bread, when the passover must be killed. 8And he sent Peter and John, saying, Go and prepare us the passover, that we may eat. 9And they said unto him, Where wilt thou that we prepare? 10And he said unto them, Behold, when ye are entered into the city, there shall a man meet you, bearing a pitcher of water; follow him into the house where he entereth in. 11And ye shall say unto the goodman of the house, The Master saith unto thee, Where is the guestchamber, where I shall eat the passover with my disciples? 12And he shall shew you a large upper room furnished: there make ready. 13And they went, and found as he had said unto them: and they made ready the passover.

The Lord's Supper Instituted
(Matthew 26:26-30; Mark 14:22-26; 1 Corinthians 11:17-34)

14And when the hour was come, he sat down, and the twelve apostles with him. 15And he said unto them, With desire I have desired to eat this passover with you before I suffer: 16For I say unto you, I will not any more eat thereof, until it be fulfilled in the kingdom of God. 17And he took the cup, and gave thanks, and said, Take this, and divide it among yourselves: 18For I say unto you, I will not drink of the fruit of the vine, until the kingdom of God shall come. 19And he took bread, and gave thanks, and brake it, and gave unto them, saying, This is my body which is given for you: this do in remembrance of me. 20Likewise also the cup after supper, saying, This cup is the new testament in my blood, which is shed for you." 


KJV: Matt 28:19 "Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost: 20 Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world. Amen."

The original word used for the word 'world' in Matt 28:20 is 'aeon' which means 'age', and a wrong KJV translation, as many King James mistranslations!
Actually it says: "I am with you alway, even unto the end of the age." His age, the Pisces Age which began as I assume, at his birth as being the age of the fish, the fisherman is the age of the gospel spreadings until unto the beginning of the Aquarius Age.

If we take account with the quote in Luke 22:10 "when ye are entered into the city, there shall a man meet you, bearing a pitcher of water; follow him into the house where he entereth in."

This quote can only refer to the Aquarius Age, then the gathering of His elect will take place at the beginning of this new golden Age! But this time it's about 'Le grand dîner' in the UPPER ROOM as a type of the heavenly gathering after His return! (Luke 22:12) (History tells us also that in those days men didn't bear water but only women which was a custom in these parts of the world.)

This of course is only a speculative opinion if we regard the ages and their course, but however it seems very likely that these ages and their eras are the planned timeline of this world. This is most likely God's creation timeline meant for this world. The end of the Age of Pisces is the end of world's civilisations as we know, and then will start the new peacefull and righteous civilisations or the renewing of all things under the Lord's reign with His elect.

This also implicates that there is not such as a Millennium as the biblical Revelation version tells us. It seems more similar to the Essene book of Revelation. All has to do with signs and events happening around us with the creation and her nature aspects of this world and with all prior importance. Heavens, the cosmos, universe, the world and their nature invoirements are all connected with each other. God the Most High is a primairy God having control, surpervision and supremacy over all His creations, determined by ages and eras, not determined by terms of years or thousands of years, for a heavenly day is like thousands earthly years. God's calendar and timeline is the universe and this is God's universal clock; something that we can determine when we look up to the night skies.

But many condemn this subject as being astrology and a pagan cult. But the Most High nor Yeshua ever told us that we should predict future events by means of the heavens. What both really asked us, is that we should watch the pad of times and ages through what He created in the heavens with more than the aim to give light as being their first feature, but also to observe their pads and movements in relation to the earth to determine the ages, and that's what Genesis 1:14 also tells us: "And God said, Let there be lights in the firmament of the heaven to divide the day from the night; and let them be for signs, and for seasons (appointed times), and for days, and years:" To determine appointed times, and these all relate to determine all ages and their features (history) by the signs (pad of the constellations) and therefrom to determine the four seasons and days and years as well. Not to predict any future events! In the book of Job the Eternal Father praises His universal creation and the constellations, let alone Enoch's experiances! Did anyone ever noticed this and how important astronomy is?!

Is there in scripture found any prophet who was given a future vision by changes in the course of heavenly bodies or constellations? No! What we read is about hugh nature events, sun darkens, moon as sackloth, red hail, smoke, burning stones falling from heaven, falling stars... Are these signs? No, these are instant events, suddenly they strike by surprise! The astrological ages just have the same name as the astrological signs or corresponding constellations of the zodiac, that's it, and thus far from being condemned as being not divine. More on: Difference between zodiac and constellation.

Looking at the heavens is watching the movement of the signs such as the constellations in their form we currently known, not during a temporary appearance or alignment by the annual orbit of planets which through all their orbit periods do not always show the same position in one or more constellations. This is variable and a natural cause, not some sign to predict some future events! 

People must distinguish a difference between a visible worldly sign and solid signs by the celestial bodies where no human ever can change something in their position or present nature. Only by natural changes such as a supernova, which means that a particular star after blown apart will no longer be visible will cause a change in form or present nature. An example is the red star Betelguese that at a certain moment in the future will explode and disappear, resulting in a different form of the Orion constellation. 

Genesis 1:14 is not speaking about changeable signs but about solid signs: "let them be for signs, and for ...." ! These signs are always there, unchangeable in form and moving. We do not read "let them be for signs to predict if some changes should occur..." These signs, in this case the constellations in their primairy form, are to be seen as the universal calendar and divine clock seen from only the earth's persfective, for the Highest God in this case, is talking about the earth's creation not of Mars or Jupiter or whatever planet in the universe.

If the word 'signs' in Gen 1:14 should also refer to the sun and moon, than we know that sun and moon are always involved to determine a timeline and ages in accordance with the constellations. That's how we determine equinox, solstice, the four seasons: when to sow and when to harvest, a year, an era, an age... ! 

If sun or moon darkens by some natural event, than this happens by cause of the natural course of our solar system. Dark sun and red moon: these natural events happen as being simply ordinairy, same as the star of Bethlehem also was an ordinairy conjunction between Jupiter and Regulus at that particular moment, but God used this event as a sign for Christ's birth, and Christ then was born on that particular moment when that conjunction took place which lasted almost a week. God, because He is the Most High and Supreme God, can associate earthly events with heavenly events, which actually accords with predicting the future, but He is called the Most High who knows the end from the beginning, and we are not nor able to do so.

God does not manipulate anything regarding His creation, but only uses what occurs naturally, and it works pretty well!

If we look through everything regarding this matter we see:

It is all about rest and movement equal to peace and motion. For rest and peace is carelessness and movement is life.


Astrological Ages as an Accurate and Effective Model of History
by Robert Fitzgerald:

The astrological ages are based on the precession of the equinoxes and the backwards wobble of the earth's axis through the constellations, which lie in a circle around the earth along the ecliptic, the belt of the equator. Ages are measured by the wobble of the earth's axis as the North Pole points down towards and marks each age or constellation in succession. This wobble takes 25,920 years to complete, and in one complete cycle there are twelve ages of 2,160 years each. Currently, that marker points to the constellation Pisces, and we are said to be in the 'Age of Pisces'. These ages flow backward through the astrological signs as the earth's axis wobbles in a precessional or backward direction through the zodiac. In addition to this movement through the signs, history indicates that the signs opposite the primary signs also have a powerful influence on the history of each age.

There are also shorter cycles within each age. Within each 2160-year age there is a cycle of twelve smaller periods that we call 'eras', each containing 180 years. And within each era there is a cycle of twelve periods we call 'phases', of 15 years' duration each. Eras and phases indicate smaller cycles of evolution within the larger cycle, but for some reason they flow in a forward direction through the zodiac. Time appears to flow both forward and backward within the same astrological structure. These smaller periods make it possible to date the astrological ages with a much greater degree of accuracy and indicate that the Western Gregorian calendar is actually aligned with these ages.

The point known as 0 BC is actually an accurate beginning to the Age of Pisces, as the symbolism of the eras and phases accurately matches the timing of historical events.































Everything is determined by the rotation of the earth's axis. To complete a complete circle through all constellations, the earth's axis rotates 1 degree every 72 years and this results in a great year of 360 degrees x 72 = 25,920 years or a complete cycle. Let us continue with "this generation will not pass ..." and assume that there are still two degrees to go, then the age of Pisces would end within 144 years, and that still means that the end of times according to God's time span can be comprehend as being short, for Him but not for us, because what do 144 earthly years mean to God?, but for us earthlings that's still immeasurably far, but still during the same age generation (generation of pisces) of people!

In view of the foregoing, I am amazed that many ignorant Bible students still had the courage to set a date as being The Great and last Day. Here we see that many only read the Bible or listen to other visions without first examining whether their vision contains truths or not. It is indeed worth the effort to research by yourself and then to establish that it was right to think that the Bible does not reveal everything.

More on:


Above are my first findings about the Ages after reading 2 Esdras 7, but many of course examined this matter before me and very interesting to read their findings and views about the impact of Ages on mankind, history and what Ages really were meant for as being the universal calendar seen from earth's persfectief.
Here some other views: by Betty Rhodes:

The attributes, patterns, and keywords for each Great Age - from Leo to Aquarius, are listed below and are hard to dispute, as the patterns are factual and history reflecting the patterns is common knowledge. 

Actually the Age of Virgo lasted 2160 yrs, Leo lasted 2136 yrs, Cancer 2113 yrs, Gemini 2089 yrs, Taurus 2065 yrs, Aries 2041 yrs, Pisces 2018 yrs, Aquarius will last for approximately 1994 yrs, Capricorn will last for about 1970 yrs. Prior to Virgo the count was more than 2160 years. The duration is becoming shorter - ‘thank god’.

The following chart shows approximate dates using the 2160 accepted years. (On the internet we sometimes find a deviation in start and end dates, but it does not matter regarding the whole of the cycle, which has a total of 25,920 years.)

STATUS - THE GREAT AGE - THE RULING ‘GOD’ - Approximate dates

60 - Age of LEO - ANU - 10,652 BCE to 8492 BCE
55 - Age of CANCER - GODDESS - 8492 BCE to 6332 BCE
50 - Age of GEMINI - ENLIL & ENKI - 6332 BCE to 4172 BCE
45 - Age of TAURUS - ISHTAR - APHRODITE - ISIS - 4172 BCE to 2012 BCE
40 - Age of ARIES - YHWH or MARDUK - 2012 BCE to 148 BCE
35 - Age of PISCES - JESUS - 148 BCE to 2012 CE
30 - Age of AQUARIUS - MESSIAH - 2012 CE to 4172 CE
25 - Age of CAPRICORN - Survivors - 4172 CE to 6332 CE


Interesting book about this topic:
The Dawning of the Golden Age of Aquarius: 
Redefining the Concepts of God ...
Author: Albert Amao


Another view:

There are twelve Astrological Ages in total; one for each constellation of the zodiac.  Each Age lasts for approximately 2160 years, but there is much debate about the exact timing, because the Ages are based on the constellations in the heavens rather than on the seasons on which we base our Western Zodiac. Thus, who decides when one constellation ends and another begins (some constellations are simply bigger than others)?  
The sum of all the Ages is often called “the Great Year,” which would total 26,000 years (more correct 25920 yrs for the earth axis moves one degree every 72 yrs to fulfill a complete circle through the 12 constellations: 360 degrees x 72 yrs = 25920 yrs or Great Year. 
The Astrological Ages illuminate a sequential process of how we project our inner collective archetypal images and patterns during a given period of time: an Astrological Age.  An Astrological Age is essentially a symbol that anchors the collective consciousness in a way that is synchronous with our collective soul’s evolution.  

Contained within the time period of each Age, it would seem that there is an objectively observable coincidence between the symbolic meaning of that Astrological Age and the religious, mythic, physical, psychological, and spiritual development of humanity.

Furthermore, the sequence of the Ages is important to consider too, as it represents an evolutionary process of the collective psyche/soul. Each Age follows the other in a Divinely designed way that speaks to humanity’s evolution. 

However, this sequence also resonates with the growth and development of the individual psyche that has incarnated during a particular Astrological Age – something I find incredibly fascinating. One could visualize the Astrological Ages as a needle playing on a record in which the current age is where the needle is, yet the previous ages are connected in an inextricable and intelligent evolutionary sequence to the current age, as are the ages to come. 

As the cosmos spins, the music plays, the Universe unfolds, and we move deeper and deeper toward the center of the One. Yet we still have periods of transition between each “song track” where two Ages cross fade. We are currently in such a state of transition and will be for the next 150/300? years or so. These states of transition are called “interfaces”. 







People must gradually start to understand the concept of 'time' and that time is something divine and not invented by humanity!

Will current people experience a second coming? Honestly I doubt if we regard the age and if we take into account the time that still stands before us until the age ends.

If the Lord would shorten His time drastically to save most of His elect it might be possible, but then I still doubt whether present day believers will experience it. Perhaps this is reserved for the children of our great-grandchildren who in their days still will be part of 'this generation' which shall not pass...!



Equinox & Solstice
Ezra's age
Pisces overlaps Aquarius

Age of Aquarius known as the Golden Age is the 7th age and a type of the seventh creation day!

The Age of Aquarius:

the Water Bearer pouring the Water of Life out of the Urn. Luke 22:7-12

Then the Eighth Day begins!

God used the Feast of Tabernacles as a type for this timeperiod of ages until the Eighth and Last Great Day!

Pisces and the Water Bearer

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