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Who was the last prophet?


John the Baptist was!

Who said that?
Yehoshua did! 
Are we doubting Him? 
NO !

From the 'Secret book of James': 

"Then I asked him, "Lord, how shall we be able to prophesy to those who request us to prophesy to them? For there are many who ask us, and look to us to hear an oracle from us." 

The Lord answered and said,

"Do you not know that the head of prophecy was cut off with John?" 

But I said, "Lord, can it be possible to remove the head of prophecy?" 

The Lord said to me, "When you come to know what 'head' means, and that prophecy issues from the head, (then) understand the meaning of 'Its head was removed. At first I spoke to you in parables, and you did not understand; now I speak to you openly, and you (still) do not perceive. Yet, it was you who served me as a parable in parables, and as that which is open in the (words) that are open."

With the head of John being cut off, Yeshua refered to Himself, He being prophecied, which was foretold and prepared by John the Baptist. John in this case was the last great prophet who prophecied the greatest prophecy ever: Yeshua's coming, our savior! 

This statement confirms simultaneously that after John the Baptist, not any prophet sent by the Living God has risen, and this clearly refers to the false Muslim prophet who accually was not a prophet, let alone sent by the Most High. But also many others who call themselves prophets, or shout to be christ: i advise you do not listen to them!

That's why Yeshua warns us against false prophets and their deception who, according to almost all existing writings, will all be destroyed in the appointed times or last days.


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