Did God allowed us to eat meat?
“Slaughter without stunning by Muslims regarding their sacrifice festival.” A current topic in Europe, but are we allowed to eat meat, whether Jew, christian or muslim, or in one word: is whole mankind allowed to eat meat by slaughter of innocent blood of animals?
Did God allow us to eat meat of His creation? Did He create the animals as part of our food?
No, He never did!
Moses allowed the Israelites to eat meat, because they were stubborn and longed for meat and Moses admitted, that’s why they invented the blood sacrifices.
Most part of the Thora (the law) was written by the followers of Moses after his death.
Do the world know this?
I think not, and about time to read all true gospels which are not included in the bible!
The original Gospels
Origins of the Gospel of the Holy Twelve:
This Gospel record is the recovered document from which the Four Gospels as we have them today were built upon. It was the first formulated life of the Christ and was written by John about the year 70 AD., when he was imprisoned in Rome and given page by page to one whom he could trust.
As stated in the Gospel of the Holy Twelve: "Truth is absolute and is in God alone. To men is Truth revealed, according to their capacity to understand and receive."
"Look for the sufficient meaning of the manifest Universe and of the written word, and thou shalt find only the Mystical Sense."
Testimony of the Early Christian Church
The Gospel according to the Hebrews was that which was in use amongst the first Christians of Jerusalem, and the Gospel according to the Egyptians is thought to have been in close relation to it. It has been said that there are traces of it in the Talmud before A.D. 130., It has even been conjectured that it was the Hebrew source from which the present Gospel according to Matthew was derived. This Gospel, according to the Nazarenes (Essenes), was widely. circulated in the early Church, and was held in high esteem by the Jewish Christians.
Yeshua was a member of the Essenes of Mount Carmel, known as the Nazarenes, not of the Qumran Essenes, otherwise John the Baptist who was a Qumran Essene, would have recongnized him before he baptized Him, but both their faith, conviction, believe, way of life and teachings were the same.
From: 'The Gospel of the Holy Twelve':
Lection 75: 'The last Paschal Supper':
Sayings of the Lord Yeshua:...
6. And Iscariot said unto him, Master, behold the unleaven bread, the mingled wine and the oil and the herbs, but where is the lamb that Moses commanded? (for Judas had bought the lamb, but Iesus had forbidden that it should be killed).
7. And John spake in the Spirit, saying, Behold the Lamb of God, the good Shepherd which giveth his life for the sheep. And Judas was troubled at these words, for he knew that he should betray him. But again Judas said, Master, is it not written in the law that a lamb must be slain for the passover within the gates?
8. And Iesus answered, If I am lifted up on the cross then indeed shall the lamb be slain; but woe unto him by whom it is delivered into the hands of the slayers; it were better of him had he not been born.
(And here it comes):
9. Verily I say unto you, for this end have I come into the world, that I may put away all blood offerings and the eating of the flesh of the beasts and the birds that are slain by men.
10. In the beginning, God gave to all, the fruits of the trees, and the seeds, and the herbs, for food; but those who loved themselves more than God, or their fellows, corrupted their ways, and brought diseases into their bodies, and filled the earth with lust and violence.
11. Not by shedding innocent blood, therefore, but by living a righteous life, shall ye find the peace of God. Ye call me the Christ of God and ye say well, for I am the Way, the Truth and the Life.
12. Walk ye in the Way, and ye shall find God. Seek ye the Truth, and the Truth shall make you free. Live in the Life, and ye shall see no death. All things are alive in God, and the Spirit of God filleth all things.
13. Keep ye the commandments. Love thy God with all thy heart, and love thy neighbour as thyself. On these hang all the law and the prophets. And the sum of the law is this—Do not ye unto others as ye would not that others should do unto you. Do ye unto others, as ye would that others should do unto you.
14. Blessed are they who keep this law, for God is manifested in all creatures. All creatures live in God, and God is hid in them.
The feeding of the Five Thousand With Six Loaves and Seven Clusters Of Grapes.
Lection 29:
5. "He answered and said unto them, Give ye them to eat. And they say unto him, Shall we go and buy two hundred pennyworth of bread, and give them to eat ?
6. He saith unto them, How many loaves have ye? go and see. And when they knew, they said, Six loaves and seven clusters of grapes. And he commanded them to make all sit down by companies of fifty upon the grass. And they sat down in ranks by hundreds and by fifties. "
The first writing says: 'Six Loaves and seven clusters of Grapes' not fish as we read in bible!
This confirms that the bible texts were edited by the first Roman church which actually were the example towards christians and believers but rather choosed to eat meat and by means misleaded a whole group of believers until this very day.
Bible, and not only bible, is clear telling us not to kill animals or shed innocent blood: Of all the trees and their fruits you may eat, but God never said after he created the animals that He created them as food for us!
It began in the desert:
Those who have read the Bible well and has not flown over texts and passages should have seen that the Israelites did not eat meat at first, because from Egypt they left with their goods but also with their hugh flocks! Why then suddenly they complained about meat as their herds Awere like a horde?
Think most people stambled over this!
On a certain moment in the desert the Israelites complain about their food and asked Moses for meat after God sended manna. But this stubborn folk wanted more than only manna. Then God sended quails as most bible readers know. But this people couldn't live 40 years in the desert by only once a few quails i suppose, for once meat - always meat. Then the Israelites when Moses was on Mount Sinai to receive the ten commandments, the people beneath build an idol and sacrificed animals and then eat the meat. Thus the animal sacrifice began with Moses, although God forbids us to eat meat of animals or other living creatures He once created as one great family among ourselves. But anyway, God knew the end from the beginning and knew that this people, His chosen people, would genetically bare closed ears and allowed them to sin by killing animals and eating their meat. But this sin and all their other sin, which were many, once were to be purified by a greater sacrifice. But even then they still didn't believe and killed by their own hands the greatest sacrifice send by God as a man, meant as a redemption for all sin and still didn't realize they killed again as it were a sacrifice, just as their forefathers once did with the animals during their big trip in the desert. But this time it was differant and definitive.
But this stubborn people from that particular moment in the desert were allowed to eat meat, but there was a great price they would ever pay for this great sin, for The Most High and Yeshua teach us that the animals were not created to serve us as food but to cherish them and care for them as our lower brothers because they also breathe the same breath as we and thus the Most High made us clear that humanity must respect all that breathes and moves on earth but not to kill and shed innocent blood, because the same rule also applies to the killing of animals: all shed blood comes back on your own head because blood is life and houses your soul both in humans and in animals.
This article by Catherine Sarah Manna and as this sister says, she also shares my view and with love,
Catherine Sarah Manna
Getting back to Egypt.
The 12 tribe nation of Israel, for hundreds of years, were slaves, building the city of Egypt. They had hope one day a saviour, would Deliver them out of Egypt.
Meanwhile they were living and walking as the Egyptians did, knowing, seeing, doing, and living in their world.
When Moses was anointed by God to take them out of Egypt, he had "a plan for them", "the law of Love" "10 commandments" and the Genesis Restoration of "Paradise Garden of Eden".
And since he is all knowing and all powerful, he also had "the back up plan", the 2nd plan, what we have today, history hardships, suffering murder and strife, plus 613 laws.
"The Plan" the First plan!
God had a plan for Israel. Original purpose and intention {Genesis 1:29-31}
His plan was to bring them out of Egypt, though Moshe.
His plan was to "Purify and Cleanse" Israel and bring them to a land free and clean, to live in peace, through peace.
He provided "Manna" to sustain them, a miraculous grain from heaven enough for each day, every day, {double portion pre sabbath for 2 days so they can rest on the 7Th day}, Amen!
So what went wrong?
Israel was not with God on this one, {hard to stick with the first plan with no co-operation} they started to crave and want more. They wanted meat, as they had in Egypt! {see Numbers chapter 11 for the details please}
Did this change everything? Yes it did!
If fact, further we read that when Moshe went upon the mountain to receive the Commandments of God, he was there 40 days, and in that time, was the test to see what was in "the heart of man"; what did Israel do in that time? {this is also what we must consider in our own personal lives and ponder upon today}
They did something very detestable in Gods sight! They not only killed animals for a sacrifice to feast and eat, they also made an image of it in a form of a " Golden Calf" in Honor of the feast, and bowed down to it.
This was a popular practise of the nations. And along with this was, debauchery, rivalry, drunkenness, and immorality!
SO then what happened?
It was not easy street after that at all.
Moses had to plead and convince God, not to give up on all of Israel, and somehow he managed and did stick it through with the "remnant repentant ones" out of thousands who did not regret the "worse sin in Gods sight of all time" as the scriptures say happened", but as we can see, they did not enter into the "promise land" in peace.
Many were killed along the way.
Perhaps if Israel did not "Sin" at the base of Sinai like they did, and at the "Grave of Lusts" numbers chapter 11, and not make sacrifices and have cravings for the flesh of animals and make a golden image to commemorate the event ...Perhaps they could have entered into the "Promise land" in and with peace, no killing and blood shed along the way.
And if they did not murmur and complain about the choice select "Royal food" from "heaven" in the form of "Manna" instead of "Crying for Flesh in the desert" and "Looking back with regret, remembering all the food they had in Egypt" the fish and Meats mostly is what they were missing", then, I beg to differ on what could have really happened, that history would have been totally been "re written" something like this:
Let us imagine and reason: if it would had happen differant then:
Israel, was taken out of Egypt through Moses, God had delivered them!!
He also so graciously provided "Manna" for the Israelites and they were always grateful giving thanks and praise, every day for the "Manna" grain in which they received!
God was well pleased. Every night, they sang praises and honoured the almighty thanking him for delivering them out of Egypt, and they would sing and dance and everyone was happy, even the children praised and gave thanks to the most high!
Upon waking up each and every morning they would gather each in there own assigned camp, and would tell stories of our faithful ancestors who loved God, how they were good farmers of the land taking care of it, growing tasty figs and dates and how mothers and daughters would make foods and decorate and make there homes a haven. The children would have fun and enjoy there freedom in the desert exploring the creatures like scorpions and desert lizards, they did no harm to the children because God was always with them protecting them from harm.
This is how they passed there time on their journey to "the promise land".
In no time, God had lead them to the "Promise Land" flowing with milk and honey!
Beautiful Flowers and all green trees, it was a blossom in the desert.
It was as if, it was Paradise re-newed!! and it was as if there were no one else on the very earth!!
So peaceful and full of bliss from Heaven above!
The Israelites, were so filled with Joy!
Moshe, rejoiced giving thanks and praise, making a feast of the grains and good food the land produced, that God provided for them , he made a feast for the Lord almighty!!
Upon seeing the grapes and other fine fruits and nuts in the land that God had provided and produced to grow, just like the Manna, now the Israelite's were able to produced the land and make it grow, with all that was good very good, as was the original plan of God right from the beginning! the Genesis way! Genesis 1:29-31!
Everyone lived in peace and harmony. No one ever became sick, or diseased.
No one every caused harm in all my holy mountain, they lived in peace and security. no one came to stumble them or make them fall!
Even the animals were at peace with the Israelites, the lion and the lamb, the bear and the goat, the child and the cobra. Peace and happiness, moral and free!! Finally!!
The dream and promise was finally realized! No one ever had made another animal sacrifice ever again, no blood was ever shed ever again, it was truly a Promised land Paradise!!!
Imagine that!! and what we can learn today as we work toward our own personal redemption and freedom from "Egypt", as we wait faithfully striving with hope faith and deeds, for the Promise Land once again,
"The Restored Paradise Gad Eden"!!
Where we will eat from the tree of everlasting life! and not die, not get sick or diseased ever again, live in total peace through peace.
Become prepared today! Genesis 1:29-31 is the answer and the way to that "key missing puzzle piece", we seem to have missed , while studying our Torah all these years.
Eat living foods so that you may live and have life!!
Love Mother earth and all that's breaths in Her!
What did we discover?
Research before drawing any conclusions on the letter regarding bible texts.
Blessed and keep the good works by teaching the truth.