@ AmazingGrace Youtube vid: 'I got a watchman! what if?...
AMAZINGgrace replied to my previous post:
She replied:
Terra Nova Christiana - LORD HELP YOU - it can happen today tomorrow or any moment - I hope you aren't misleading the weak telling them they have until a date YOU DECIDED ON! Lord help you ! Sept 23 is quoted A GREAT SIGN - A GREAT SIGN - get that ? Scripture is telling you it's. Very important- Scottie Clark NEVER EVER SAID ITS THE DAY - he said Pay attention to this sign such as THE BIBLE warned - YOU must pay closer attention - AND BE READY EACH AND EVERY DAY
My answer from Europe:
First: tribulations are of all ages to begin with Yeshua's warnings to His desciples about the coming destruction of the Temple, wars, revolts, great wars until today and still in progress as i state by your reply!
Second: There is not such as a last week of tribs but only God's wrath to come and the elect, those few, shall be saved before the great last day of God's wrath, and that's what scripture tells us, nothing more and nothing less! But unfortunately many today are creating their own bible to complete and confirm the prophecy of the great apostasy before the end which will be fulfilled by many of the church herself! Congratulations!
To AmazingGrace: What kind of argument is this:'Lord help you! and 'I hope you aren't misleading the weak telling them they have until a date I decided on! and
'Sept 23 is quoted A GREAT SIGN - A GREAT SIGN - get that ? Scripture is telling you it's.
Are you serious!
Did you really studied the scripture? Seems not! Rev 12:1-2 is speaking about a wonder John saw when he was in heaven by the spirit, not a sign!
Than, even if it would last another 50 yrs you and the weak MUST be ready without sin, for there is no other and not any excuse to sin! So think before you practice pride and tongue, because nobody has been privileged!
And that's the way it goes when ignorance shouts victory: consequence is deception and you are in the midst of it, but you didn't notice by full blindness!
Do people really think to know everything by following Youtube vids about this matter? Hades is dancing and LOL down there, but the true followers of Christ who's the Word of God, instead are COL, if you understand!
Are you following Christ's steps by step?
Did you get some knowledge about His mysteries you need to know before you die?
Without knowledge of His mysteries there's no entrance into the Kingdom, dead or alive! Do this people teach you that? No! Why? Because they also do not know!
What do these people currently preach instead: 'Saved by Grace through faith' meaning you and I, and many others who only believe actually will be saved, which is correct in a sense, but not enough to be saved as a pure soul! If we believers who think to be saved by grace through faith but with differant understanding of scripture who continously argue on earth about this matter, then what will we do in heaven if we would all be saved only by cause of believe?! So, understand what Yeshua meant by 'many are called but few are chosen'! And it is not only about understanding or insight and wisdom, but also how one lives his life according Yeshua's teachings. Only believe is not enough and this teaching was born out of the first roman and catholic church, you currently all call a false church, but meanwhile still are following their edited bible versions!
And the worst is that you all think to escape previous to God's wrath, but you're wrong! 'Endure until the end and I will raise him (the elect) on the LAST DAY' He said, 'first the dead then the living'! The dead in this case also refer to the elect who die during the wrath, because the elect are indeed protected during trib and also the wrath, but certain circumstances are variable and they could die in a way or another! We are still living in a mortal world, remember!
But I think that those Rev 12:1-2 rapture teachers are afraid to die and invented rapture before wrath!
Do you catch this?
Is september than, october, november or december 2017 or 2018/2019... such as the LAST DAY? No, of course not! God's day doesn't refer to a literally day but years! Many years! One could determine a year or a period but not a set day date, all according to the signs of what happens around us, not what happens in the sky! If you know bible, then you would have known that God forbids us to predict the future by the stars which is a great sin and common with the pagans, in this case the Babylonian sourcerers and magi who predicted the future by the constellations. Read Daniel, Deut 13:1, 4:19, 18:20-22
Isaiah 47:13-14
Can we determine a date or day? No! A period, season or year? Yes, we could as stated in Luke 21:29: The lesson of the Fig Tree (Matthew 24:32-35; Mark 13:28-31) by watching the signs of times around us, things that happen, not what moves or stirs in the skies!
By the skies you only can determine the weather, and even that is not always correct.
But apparently you do not know what scripture says, or, you do know but you reject His reprove!
In this case, there's no blood upon those who warn you, for they've told you to get knowlegde to know the truth, and not listening to men's visions which could be wrong.
The OT is based on the Torah and Qumran scrolls, the NT is based upon the christian early writings, all texts similar and almost the same, but the most important messages were removed and replaced by other texts. Have you already researched this? Apparently not! But you pretend to know how everything fits only by listening to others without any first self-examination! If someone points to a message in scripture i should doubt about, the first thing i do is looking after these messages if this person is right about his claim, and then i throw conclusions but not before. But the differance between you and me is that i do not only check bible but also all lost and rejected texts and these latter are telling us what bible hides for us! What was the purpose of the first roman cath church? To suppress people with fear and tremble with such as: if you do not listen to us and the bible, you'll go the hell. Not a word about some rules or mysteries. Those who were smarter and read some lost texts in secret were murdered, hanged, cruxified, boiled ect... by those who completed the bible, which is the same bible as we know today. You all claim the cath church is a deceiving church, but you all swollow their edited books! Why not first investigate after the original texts and then throwing conclusions? But instaed you first attack and then exclude those who do!
2 Peter 1:20-21 ESV bible:
"Knowing this first of all, that no prophecy of Scripture comes from someone's own interpretation. For no prophecy was ever produced by the will of man, but men spoke from God as they were carried along by the Holy Spirit."
2 Peter 3:16 ESV
"As he does in all his letters when he speaks in them of these matters. There are some things in them that are hard to understand, which the ignorant and unstable twist to their own destruction, as they do the other Scriptures."
And catholic church changed the letter in their favor, and many believe this instead to investigate the real basic and first genuine letter!
A picture of what the word 'sign' means in the bible as being a real sign:
The Sign of Immanuel
(Micah 5:1-6; Matthew 1:18-25; Luke 2:1-7)
Isaiah 7: 10: "Moreover the LORD spake again unto Ahaz, saying, 11Ask thee a sign of the LORD thy God; ask it either in the depth, or in the height above. 12But Ahaz said, I will not ask, neither will I tempt the LORD. 13And he said, Hear ye now, O house of David; Is it a small thing for you to weary men, but will ye weary my God also? 14Therefore the Lord himself shall give you a sign; Behold, a virgin shall conceive, and bear a son, and shall call his name Immanuel. 15 Butter and honey shall he eat, that he may know to refuse the evil, and choose the good. 16For before the child shall know to refuse the evil, and choose the good, the land that thou abhorrest shall be forsaken of both her kings."
The sign in Isaiah 7 is Christ himself not a visible sign which predicts long before the event, in this case the sign is the event or the birth of the Messiah. The star of Bethlehem didn't predict, it was there at the time of birth of the 'greatest sign ever'!
One must be able to distinguish God's sign as He meant a sign consists or His intention of what a sign is from a sign as a being a prediction According God's intention a visible sign announce what the world could expect in the next future, but the world is not able to determine the real event of the sign, man can only guess, speculate and be ready at any time for no one knows the day nor the hour, just as no one knows the day nor the hour of his death, because we know man dies, but do not know the day nor the time he dies, and that accords with God's signs: no one knows, even if the sign is foretold or already appeared.
God is against predicting by the stars and will never reveal such a sign for the pagans did. If one ought to pay attention to a particular sign, the sign would reveals almost immediately or a few days before the event happens, but no one will know long before when that sign will appear or what it means. Otherwise; who are we to know more than the Lord himself?
Matt 24:27: This is Yeshua's sign of His return:
"For just as the lightning comes from the east and flashes as far as the west, so will be the coming of the Son of Man. 28 Wherever there is a carcass, there the vultures will gather.…"
Is Yeshua talking about a constellation alignment as a sign of His coming? Is the Rev 12:1-2 wonder, not sign!, mentioned in the context of this passage? Seems not isn't.
His coming shall be with Great disasters and many wicked taken away into death! The left behind,those who endure shall be saved. Did you people ever examined the foundation of the bible? Did you? Where are the first writings were bible was based upon? What do you think the first pagan Roman church did with all these important scriptures? They edited them in their own favor. If you had used some wisdom, logic sense and al lot of insight, you would have known, but you don't, while knowing that Yeshua told us to seek and find the truth for many false Christ and prophets shall arise and deceive even the elect! Who are these false Christs and prophets? Those 'five' posers around the world who currently claim to be the returned christ? No, of course not, but all those who preach and teach another gospel turning a wonder into a sign!
And indeed it could happen any day, but NOT next september and that's the signs we have to watch: the signs around. Did God said in Gen 1:14 to watch the sun,moon and stars to predict the future? the real meaning of Gen1:14: to set days, months, years, appointed feasts...not predicting the future by constellation alignments for that's a sin as bible tells us, but apparently you all didn't read that!
And these selfmade bible teachers didn't mention that because than their claim would not match with that what they want it to be and wish it would be, but it's not as they claim. This is what i try to explain, not setting a day date and probably the hour as they all did!
Who ever tried to exalt himself above the Son and the Heavenly Father?
Wasn't it Satan?! But seems He is beautifully stirring in the porridge today.
So, when I speculate about our current calendar (after more than a decade of study which you apparently didn't) as being false and not correct, I always mention about my findings that it is a simulation of some conclusions which can be updated at any time according to my further investigations or understandings, but you didn't read that and throw it into my face with such as i would have determined a date! No one can, not you or me or anyone else but only the Father who knows the end from the beginning and we do not know the beginning for we were not created at the beginning, and we unfortunately can only rely on texts of which we do not know who wrote them nor if these were ever edited before we could take an eye into them. That's why i prefare and encourage to read and compare bible with all lost and hidden texts. But you all ignore the words of our Lord but keep believing those who made it easier to escape by spreading a lie!
If The God of Yeshua forbids us to predict the future by the stars, which is not what Gen 1:14 is telling us, why than are many still doing that? And that's what I do not understand with these teachers. But whoever is stubborn will experiance punishment for that's God's rule.
The only thing these Rev 12 preachers have is the fear to die in this world only because scripture says that those who remain shall be caught up alive and will not experiance death, but it refers only to those who remain after trib and wrath, those left behind, because those who were taken away are dead, same as in Noah's days: 'and at once they, the wicked were taken away', for the wrath came as a thief in the night! They, the wicked were taken away by surprise, but all others who watched the signs around them survived. Noah didn't watch the stars but he realized that the world he lived in could not continue that way. God gave him signs and probably an insight feeling was given to him by the Holy Spirit for he walked with God. Do you get this?! This is what scripture tells us! And it's only a matter of understanding.
Isn't it remarkably that only a few who I hardly can count on one hand are constantly rejected and attacked because they share a different vision than the majority does? Do people really think that God is chosing the majority: 'oh yes, everyone is saying that about rapture and 2nd coming according Rev 12:1-2, so it has to be right, isn't it?! Sure there's a rapture, but not on that date! Maybe a hint: https://tnc272.wixsite.com/endtimes/revelation-analyzed-listed
And here it ends, because I'm tired of repeating constantly and to endure each and every time the most unjustified attacks without any further listening ear by rejecting the good advice and final message to examine by YOURSELF first. Then one can debate! But as long people won't accept the true word as it was told us to do and examine with insight, understanding and logic sense and this with all their hart, spirit and soul without any fear of death, tribs or wrath, nothing will change and still will be bound by evil.
If you would have some questions, i'll always answer them for we forgive always no matter what.
Be blessed in faith and truth,
Have a Nice time!