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The Essene Book of Revelation:

Dating back 150 BCE and 70 BC

This scroll exited before...

From the early Christian writings BC early AD!

Current book of Revelation was probably edited by a man known as Cerinthus who was given the task by the early Roman church to rewrite the scroll of Revelation because they rejected the original scroll. After almost 70 years after the final completition of bible as we know, the first Roman church fathers accepted the edited version of Revelation and put it in to the bible as the last book.

In any case, we can assume that someone has edited the Essene text later, but we do not know who actually really did, because Cerinthus is a historical presumption, but not a confirmed evidence.

The original Essene scroll of Revelation confirms that it probably was not written by John the apostle but by someone who referred to John as being the writer. But John and all the rest of Yeshua's disciples, same as Yeshua, could have been members of the Essenes which is clearly stated by the lost gospels and other rejected texts. This also confirms a shamed editing attitude of the first Roman church.

Another example: When we read the Gospel of the Holy Twelve used by the same first church as a basic to complete the four biblical gospels, we can state that when Yeshua feeded the crowd of people He did it with six loaves and seven clusters of grapes, not five loaves and two fish! We can clearly see the bible copied and changed the writings of the Essenes changing things in their favor, as for example turning fruit into fish so that eating meat was not condemned.

In the four biblical Gospels we read about the five loaves and the two fish: Mark 6:41, Luke 9:16, Matt 14:17-19 and John 6:9!

The feeding of the Five Thousand With Six Loaves and Seven Clusters Of Grapes. 
Gospel of the Holy Twelve: Lection 29:

5. "He answered and said unto them, Give ye them to eat. And they say unto him, Shall we go and buy two hundred pennyworth of bread, and give them to eat ? 
  6. He saith unto them, How many loaves have ye? go and see. And when they knew, they said, Six loaves and seven clusters of grapes. And he commanded them to make all sit down by companies of fifty upon the grass. And they sat down in ranks by hundreds and by fifties. "

If we think very logically, would it have been possible for the boy who probably traveled with his parents long distances and listened for hours to the teachings of Yeshua, dragged fish in a basket, which is very fragile or it would have been smoked, but even then it would soon get a smell and get worse, especially during warmer days! Wouldn't it be more likely that the listening people have dragged fruit and bread with them instead of meat?! I should choose fruit and probably this people thought the same.

The first writing says: 'Six Loaves and seven clusters of Grapes' not fish as we read in bible! The number of loaves and grapes or fish does not matter, but what matters is what it really was, according to the teachings not to eat animal meat! And the Essenes respected that, but not the first Roman church, nor Constantine and his fellows church fathers for they remained pagan until their death but promoted christianity during their ministries.

This confirms that the bible texts were edited by the first Roman church which actually were the example towards christians and believers but rather choosed to eat meat and by means misleaded a whole group of believers until this very day.

In the original scroll of Revelation we do not know who wrote it, but we know it was an Essene, like Yeshua also was an Essene and therefore called the Nazarene as being a member of the Essenes of Mount Carmel. John the Baptist instead was an Essene of Qumran and that’s why John didn’t recognize Yeshua before he baptized him in the Jordan, even if they were cousins, and also because they didn’t grew up together.



Who was Cerinthus, if history would be right that he edited the first Revelation scroll?

Cerinthus, again, was an educated man in the wisdom of the Egyptians. His vision was that the world was not made by the primary God, but by a certain Power far separated from him, and at a distance from that Principality who is supreme over the universe, and ignorant of him who is above all. He represented Yeshua as having not been born of a virgin, but as being the son of Joseph and Mary according to the ordinary course of human generation, while he nevertheless was more righteous, prudent, and wise than other men. Moreover, after his baptism, Christ descended upon him in the form of a dove from the Supreme Ruler, and that then he proclaimed the unknown Father, and performed miracles. But at last Christ departed from Yeshua, and that then Yeshua suffered and rose again, while Christ remained impassible, inasmuch as he was a spiritual being.

When we consider that many scrolls of the Essenes and also many other important scriptures are hold secret in the Vatican, then we could assume something was and is still hidden. 

In this case, and honestly, I assume that many scrolls were not revealed to us because they reveal many things that according the Roman Catholic Church rather may not see any sunlight although meanwhile, after the findings between 1945 and 1947 many of these hidden scriptures were found hidden in jars in several caves and some in desert nearby those caves. But today we can read them and some are astonishing because of their important content. The core hidden in most of the lost gospels and secret books is that Yeshua told us to get infinite knowledge (gnosis) for only by great knowlegde and wisdom a man can reach his higher self in the spirit and by faith to know who the Father of the All is and were man came from. For only He, the Son of the Most High who got all the authority over the Universe is the way, the life and the truth! His name is: the Word of the Most High! Yeshua is the Word, the Logos, not the physical letter or man-made scripture!

Are we than being fooled by the first Catholic Church and by the results of the council of Nicea? Apparently we are, but those who do not seek will not find, and Yeshua warned us to seek and find the truth for only those will enter His Kingdom!

-The message that proclaims the bible gospels in fact is very vague and inadequate to know that one can not only be saved by just believing, and that's it! 
Saved by Grace through faith! Yes, indeed that's right, but that's not what the non canonical books tell us, always in rememberance that the New Testament passed through the hands of the first Roman catholic church and the 'Saved by Grace without works' quote was spoken by Paul not by Yeshua! Our Heavenly Father is the Most High and He is full of mercy and forgiveness towards his believers, but just saying that because one believes in God and His Son is only an excuse to be saved as being simply a believer, and many by this way will be deceived! Why then Peter and Paul always dispute this matter? Peter reminded very well what Yeshua had said to them all when He said, "I did not come to destroy the law but to fulfill the law", something that Paul had never heard with his own ears. Yeshua then said: i'll give you one law: "Treat your neighbor as you would like to be treated yourself!", and that is the whole law in one sentence! Thus, everything against this one sentence is sin! Then how can man be saved by grace only through faith and believe in Christ if he does not respect the 'one sentence'?!

Indeed the Lord is full of grace, but i do not believe that someone who calls himself a true christian but regularly quarrels and consciously keeps gossiping with others shall earn a crown in heaven! And these are only some minor sin!

Peter claims: saved by grace through faith and the works, meaning respecting the rules and commandments because from the moment someone is in faith and in Christ then the works are a matter of course, and Paul claims saved by grace through faith only, not through works! If Paul means what he says, then only to believe is enough, with or without works which means a believer can sin whenever he wants and yet be saved! Who's right? ! Is Paul right? However, this is also what bible tells us, but not the rejected gospels!

In one of the lost gospels we read: that even if a man is righteous and without sin, but is found without any light in him nor believe nor any knowledge of the Heavenly mysteries, he can not enter the Light Kingdom!

When I threw myself into a deep Bible study, I still got the feeling that something was missing and at the same time I did not get any wiser than what the Catholic Church had taught me for many years. After finding and studying the secret scrolls and books, I was totally confused and did not really know who I had to believe. But a comparison of all texts is needed, otherwise you will be in doubt by means of too much information that contradicts itself. But those who understand know from the inside what's right or wrong.
Then the first thing i did was leaving the catholic church and consequentely no more Xmas or other catholic pagan holidays. Over and out with this mess of a teaching for only He, the Son of the Most High is the way, the life and the truth!

However, the history of bible's compilation reveals enough to know that its composition was quite chatted and, in the long run, not all sources of important information were included. There is of course a reason for knowing that the Roman Catholic Church's doctrine teaches about holy intermediaries if one wants to come to God. With those intermediaries, they mean their own so-called holy church fathers, priests, bishops, popes etc. which is definitely a lie, because only Yeshua is our mediator and true advocate between us and God and only through Him we come to God, and every true christian knows that. The lie that man needs a intermediator lies in the pride, selfishness and glory to gain power over people but today we see that it still exists in the doctrine of this false church. I've visit the Vatican several times, inside and the gardens outside and I never saw so much wealth connected with God, Christ, faith and believe as in this part of the world, while this part of the world encourage us true christians to help the needed and poor which we to the extent possible also do. But then what purpose has their presence on earth if the needed and poor can't be helped with only the present Vatican gold and marmor, let alone their bank accounts and hidden treasures! Why are the rich and powerful elite in this world saving their wealth against walls, on ceilings and in banks while a third of the world is starving? This church doesn't seem to be a salvation service to the needed but a pure deceiving church in guaranteeing their own wealth and power! 

Today, at least i hope, it wouldn't have such an impact on true believers, but in those days people were poor and ignorant and at the same time an easy prey, listening as lame lambs with awe to their church fathers who revealed them a message to their advantage of course. Power and wealth has been an ancient root of man, and those church leaders saw themselves as man exalted above every other being so that people were kept "lower", which is a strategy we also see today but in a more fashioned way!

Except the most wise in those dark days, or those who were clever enough to hide and store all the forbidden scriptures the first Roman church rejected, could escape hoping these texts should be found one day to reveal the hidden truth which until than was locked up and sealed into earth's darkness.

Therefore, it doesn't harm anyone not only to consult the bible but also the lost gospels which miraculously were hidden in the secret chambers of caves and deserts to be found after almost 2000 years, and when we look at the finding date it was about the time Israel became a Nation again. Would this mean something? I have a personal opinion about that, but it's quite coincidental with such as 'it were to be so'!

As for the history of the medieval's conduct of the early Roman Catholic Church, was to counter their own people including true Christians and followers of Christ by punishments as decapitation, hanging, boiling or, if some had more luck, they were throwed into dungeons for the rest of their short life, because these people continued to read the non-Canonical texts and also by rejecting the Roman catholic doctrine.
The Bible itself is a good basis with a wonderful history of Israel and correct as history states. The whole of the Old Testament is indeed a great source of information and prophecies, but I missed that in the New Testament and Revelation. Regarding my opinion and also many others their opinion, the latter deviates too much from the pen of John's grammatical gospel, if the same John would have written it, and in order that this book did not fall from heaven as we know, but was bundled and completed by people not gods. Then question arise if a person can decide what was inspired by God or not if we then know what kind of church have selected these texts to complete the bible? Wouldn't it then be acceptable to show some logic sense and wisdom making a distinction and examine in search of the real truth? If they have been able to make the difference between inspired or not, why should we, or someone with a good theological insight, can not do that today?! Sure we can; all according insight and understanding. 
However, this been said, my encounter shows me a lot of opposition regarding this matter, and that is a sad thing. But it does not mean to stop searching. One can at some point understand certain purpose, but later interpret the same purpose differently than first thought, because study also has its evolution and hence I accept other opinions to compare them with my own insight and understanding.

Another issue:

Those who have read the Bible well and has not flown over texts and passages should have seen that the Israelites did not eat meat at first, because from Egypt they left with their goods but also with their hugh flocks! Why then suddenly they complained about meat after God send them manna, when their herds were like a horde? They only had to grab an ox, cow, sheep or goat, to slaughter it, to roast it and then eat as much as they needed to their sattisfaction as being food. But they didn't first! Why not? 
Think most people stambled over this! 
Read more on: Did God allow us to eat meat?
An article of a dear sister with a wonderful explanation according my view about shedding innocent blood: Catherine Sarah Manna


The truth about the Essene Revelation which existed before:

In the original scroll we can clearly state that biblical Rev 12:1-2 verses are not revealing a constellation sign and the woman of the biblical Rev 12:1-2 is not referring to Israel nor some church, but refers to the Earth herself, and... upon her head a crown of seven stars not twelve! The earth is clothed with the sun, which seen from cosmic perspective always is, not only during the day but actually always. The moon is under her feet (night) and the moon also is always there. The seven stars has a spiritual meaning (7 angels with 7 trumpets preparing the wrath/7Angels of Mother Earth) presented as her (mother earth) crown regarding the vision of punishment to come from these seven angels!

And this is not a sign but a real physical and spiritual description of mother earth in an allegoric way, but a serious prophecy made by a member or members of the ancient Essenes who's studies were based on Enoch and his following holy fathers and prophets!

Why does bible only mentions Enoch's rapture for He walked with God and further nothing?

If Enoch was that important, why that less information?

The Dead Sea scrolls, if some would have read them, mention more about Enoch. But we know that the false Roman and first church who completed an inspired and divine 'book' is responsible for all lost informations. The most important information or New Testament which actually is not 'New' for there is nothing new about any covenant, is represented with lesser books than the Old T.!

Does this seems logical?! Then probably there's more information. And there is more, but we only have to search, investigate and compare through one's inner sense of truth, insight, wisdom and logic sense what possibly could be inspired or not. People obviously and with no doubt can sometime make mistakes by misinterpretations; i did, and many others did, and many others are still to follow. But if someone has searched and compared in detail, understanding, consciousness and logic sense then I think that the whole way of his research and conviction, mostly by trial and error, is the right way. 

In the Essene book of Revelation we also read about 13 Elders not 24, nor any word about the 144 000! Anyway it's a wonderful book and almost close to the biblical version but contains a whole differant revealing and meaning regarding particular passages, besides the seven Trumpets and salvation at the end (at the seventh Trumpet or after the wrath, which is also the same conclusion as written in the biblical version!). Both books are quiet similar, besides that we almost dare to say that the biblical version was edited in a very differant context by using another grammatical way of writing and by changing the core of most revealings and by adding Daniel's prophecies of the beasts and other prophecies revealed by other biblical prophets.

I think it would not have been difficult to turn the Essene book of Revelation into our current book of Revelation. The writer had all the possibilities to rely his vision on all prophecies mentioned in the Old Testament.

Further we read: Seven stars as her crown are seven angels of Mother earth: Angel of Air, of the Water, of the Sun, of Joy, of Life, of the Earth and the angel of the Earthly Mother. We read: "And seven Lamps of fire burned before the Throne, the fire of the Earthly Mother. And seven stars of heaven shone before the Throne, the fire of the Heavenly Father".

This means that all current Rev 12 sign seekers and date setters in search of some rapture or 2nd coming, have until today only wasted their time not to grab deeper then bible herself. They did not seek for the truth nor did they find the truth. And if they possibly knew about the existence of this original Revelation scroll, then they too same as the deceiving first Roman church rejected the first Christian writings and rather believed an edited version made by a church they themselves call a false church!

But I hope they didn’t know about this scroll and review their visions before it is too late! 



Who were the Essenes?

Biblical corruption?

Lost, Forgotten Books and Ancient Sacred Texts

The Gospel of Thomas is considered by many as the Fifth Gospel and others consider it the source sayings document that preceeded all of the Gospels and the Gospel of the Holy Twelve as the foundation of them all. 

Read them and discover their treasures for yourself.

GOSPEL OF THOMAS verse  2: Jesus said: "He who seeks, let him not cease seeking until he finds; and when he finds he will be troubled, and when he is troubled he will be amazed, and he will reign over the All."

Be blessed 


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