Revelation 12 and the great sign in heaven: announcement of a tribulation period?
Most scholars know about this event which shall be seen in the Virgin/Leo constellation on the 23/24 September 2017.
Here we see the virgin given birth to the Son represented by Jupiter (King planet) who is ready to enter in the womb, of the virgin for nine months and then being born. In this one shot picture we see Jupiter at the level of the virgin’s womb and is moving out: means being born.
The moon is really visible under her feet on the 24th of September seen from Jerusalem. On September 23 the moon stands next her feet! Spica represents the wheat and in her right hand she holds a branch, in her left hand an ear of wheat or Spica: Spica means wheat, and the Eternal knew that mankind would name this star 'Spica'. These are biblical symbols: the saints are the branches as the branches are the limbs of a tree, and wheat is to be harvest! Wheat and the branch are connected, for the virgin holds them in her hands (her arms), as hands are limbs of a body, and represent both His saints or church which is to be harvest. When? What does bible tells us about Wheat?
The Wheat harvest actually occurs during summer between June and July, in some better places early summer, other places during mid summer season. But this matter regards Israel and Jerusalem and regards June! The Wheat harvest as we know from bilbe is linked to one of the three most important feasts of the Eternal: Barley, (spring) Wheat (summer) and Grapes (fall) which respective are: Pesach, Pentecost and Tabernacles and represent the three raptures of the First Fruits Resurrection, or simply First Resurrection without Judgement. Wheat thus refers to Pentecost! Rapture on Pentecost? Probably! But the sign appears in the fall! What does that mean if rapture is involved in this sign? Could it be that rapture shall take place after this sign and not before; because the Eternal only works with signs first, then the event.
Of course it doesn’t mean I’m right about this, but it's only a personal view.
Further we see the Constellation Leo who represents the Lion of Zion and includes at that time 12 stars, Venus, Mars and Mercury planets included which are all in line with the sun and moon.
This sign can really be seen and encases a great prophecy.
We used the Stellarium software to find it.
Does Rev 12 announces a tribulation period?
Yes, sure it does, but it’s not sure if it announces the last week which includes seven years, cause bible explains and determines the 69 weeks of Daniel’s 70th week prophecy, but not the duration nor period of the remaining last week.
Revelation mentions a period of 42 months, or 3, 5 years… but if we take into account Revelation 12 on the assumption that Revelation12 concerns the midst of this week, than I think it doesn’t match, because the events of the seven bowls didn’t reveal yet, still in the assumption that Revelation is written in a chronological sense.
But who knows for sure, all depends from the starting day from which we have to count. And there are many dates in history we could use, but even then we are not sure. For example: a time, times and half a time: According my understandings there are two Abominations of Desolations: one physical and one Spiritual as I mentioned before:
The first was definitely Antiochus Epiphanes and then the building of the Islamic Dome of the Rock on the Temple mount in 688 A.D.:
688: Dome of the Rock built + 1260 yrs (1260 days or 42 wks) is 1948; Israel a state,
688 + 1290 days/yrs = 1978 Egypt–Israel Peace Treaty, South Libanon conflict
688 + 1335 days/yrs = 2023 the end!
… but is this correct? Anyway, I’m not very satisfied about using these dates but it’s only a simulation of known dates, but not necessary the correct dates to use, even though we do not have dates to use starting with and only can speculate, and however it doesn’t even really matter, cause not the knowing of the end is important, but the core of Yeshua’s gospel! More on: 2300 mornings & evenings.
As we understand Daniel 9:26, it speaks about a week or seven years and in the midst of this week all sacrifices shall be banned. And this is correct: when Yeshua died in the midst of the week, the symbolic of the Temple sacrifices stopped at once of cause of the great sacrifice of God’s Lamb Yeshua who gave His blood as forgiveness of sin meant for His faithful ones, His Temple or His church. More on: The 70-Week prophecy
Shall also a physical Temple be built in the near future? I don’t think so, because if the week really includes seven years, obviously time is running out, but…!
Does Revelation speak about a physical Temple? No! It’s about the Spiritual Temple of Yeshua, about His Body, His sheeps or first fruits or in common words: people of the rapture! The Temple in Revelation refers to a crowd of people who are in Christ and those who are prepared and chosen for the rapture, and this is where the Abomination of Desolation is all about. The antichrist which is the beast with the seven heads refers to islam, and the false prophet who serves the beast, is the one who shall try to spread deception among Yeshua’s Temple. Cause when this evil person should succeed converting some people of God’s Temple, they shall be lost forever, cause this evil act is a ‘taking away of the soul’, and when they deny their Master, they shall be lost and dead for ever: then it’s over and out on earth as in heaven as well!
(Why islam and not the pope or Europe or US as many scholars claim…?: Daniel is very clear in this by mentioning the four beasts who on a chart represent the empire of Alexander the Great divided into four parts after his death , and it’s from these four parts whereof the Antichrist and the false prophet will arise. Look on a current chart… these are all Islamic countries!)
But this we also know from Daniel 9:25-26 which says:
'Know therefore and understand, that from the going forth of the commandment to restore and to build Jerusalem unto the Messiah the Prince shall be seven weeks, and threescore and two weeks: the street shall be built again, and the wall, even in troublous times.
26 And after threescore and two weeks shall Messiah be cut off, but not for himself: and the PEOPLE of the 'prince' that shall come shall destroy the city and the sanctuary; and the end thereof shall be with a flood, and unto the end of the war desolations are determined.
27 And he (the prince/antichrist) shall confirm the covenant with many for one week: and in the midst of the week he shall cause the sacrifice and the oblation to cease, and for the overspreading of abominations he shall make it desolate, even until the consummation, and that determined shall be poured upon the desolate.'
Why there’s written the ‘people’? Does this refer to the Romans because they destroyed the Temple? You would assume, but it isn’t! The ‘people’ were Titus’ soldiers, the 10th legion. Titus ruled over the Eastern Roman empire (later Byzantine empire) and his soldiers were all… Arabs, just like today this region is still Arabic and major islamic! Titus himself didn’t destroy anything, but his outraged Arabic soldiers did.
Back to the last week of Daniel:
From current date on, 15 February 2017, until 23/24 September 2017 are 7 months left, or, all bowls shall reveal during these 7 months inclusive rapture!, possible, but unlikely, although with God all things are possible!
Let’s wait and see, cause we do not know the day nor the hour, and so be it!
Does the last week of Daniel really includes seven years? Could be, but we are not sure. This ‘week’ could also include 1260 yrs. or 1290 or 1335 or 2300, regarding the bible principle of ‘one day for one year, a year for one day, as a day for 1000 years and 1000 years for one day…!
According to the creation calendar, we now live in the year 6001, Hebrew year 5777, and God gave man 120 years of life instead of 1000 years like in the beginning, but symbolic it means: 120 years x 50 jubilee years is 6000 or the first six day’s of creation cause God created man on the sixed day! The seventh day of creation God rested, which refers to the Millennium! Remember: ‘A day for thousand years, thousand years for a day…’
And if we read the non-biblical scriptures, and for me the most important ever, Yeshua says in the Pistis Sophia: ‘One day of Light’ is equal to 1000 earthly years!’ One day of Light is one heavenly day! Than how long is an Heavenly year?
Example of Creation calendar vs Gregorian calendar: Current day 2 feb 2017 onTorah calendar:
Blessed and Shalom