The Apocalypse of Thomas
Thomas the apostle of God asked our Lord when the time of Antichrist should be. Then the Lord spoke unto him and said thus:
“Hear thou, O Thomas, for I am the Son of God the Father and I am the father of all spirits. Hear thou of me the signs which shall come to pass at the end of this world, when the end of the world shall be fulfilled before mine elect depart out of the world. I will tell thee that which shall come to pass openly unto men but when these things shall be the princes of the angels know not, seeing it is now hidden from before
Then shall there be in the world sharings (participations) between king and king, and in all the earth shall be great famine great pestilences, and many distresses, and the sons of men shall be led captive among all nations and shall fall by the edge of the sword and there shall be great commotion in the world. Then after that when the hour of the end draweth nigh there shall be for seven days great signs in heaven, and the powers of the heavens shall be moved.
Then shall there be on the first day the beginning: at the third hour (9 AM) of the day a great and mighty voice in the firmament of heaven and a bloody cloud coming up (down, Vienna) out of the north, and great thunderings and mighty lightnings shall follow it, and it shall cover the whole heaven, and there shall be a rain of blood upon all the earth. These are the signs of the first day.
And on the second day there shall be a great voice in the firmament of heaven, and the earth shall be moved out of its place, and the gates of heaven shall be opened in the firmament of heaven toward the east, and the smoke of a great fire shall break forth through the gates of heaven and shall cover all the heaven until evening. In that day there shall be fears and great terrors in the world. These are the signs of the second day.
But on the third day about the third hour (9 AM) shall be a great voice in heaven, and the abysses of the earth shall roar from the four corners of the world; the pinnacles (so) of the firmament of heaven shall be opened, and all the air shall be filled with pillars of smoke. There shall be a stench of brimstone, very evil, until the tenth hour, and men shall say: We think the time draweth nigh that we perish. These are the signs of the third day.
And on the fourth day at the first hour (7 AM), from the land of the east the abyss shall melt (so) and roar. Then shall all the earth be shaken by the might of an earthquake. In that day shall the ornaments of the heathen fall, and all the buildings of the earth, before the might of the earthquake. These are the signs of the fourth day.
But on the fifth day at the sixth hour (noon), suddenly there shall be a great thunder in heaven, and the powers of light and the wheel of the sun shall be caught away and there shall be great darkness in the world until evening, and the air shall be gloomy (sad) without sun or moon, and the stars shall cease from their ministry. In that day shall all nations behold as in a mirror (?) (or, behold it as sackcloth) and shall despise the life of this world. These are the signs of the fifth day.
And on the sixth day at the fourth hour (10 AM) there shall be a great voice in heaven, and the firmament of the heaven shall be cloven from the east unto the west, and the angels of the heavens shall be looking forth upon the earth by the openings of the heavens, and all these that are on the earth shall behold the host of the angels looking forth out of heaven. Then shall all men flee unto the mountains and hide themselves from the face of the righteous angels, and say: Would that the earth would open and swallow us up! And such things shall come to pass as never were since this world was created.
Then shall they behold me coming from above in the light of my Father with the power and honour of the holy angels. Then at my coming shall the fence of fire of paradise be done away -because paradise is girt round about with fire. And this shall be that perpetual fire that shall consume the earth and all the elements of the world.
Then shall the spirits and souls of all men come forth from paradise and shall come upon all the earth: and every one of them shall go unto his own body, where it is laid up, and every one of them shall say: Here lieth my body. And when the great voice of those spirits shall be heard, then shall there be a great earthquake over all the world, and by the might thereof the mountains shall be cloven from above and the rocks from beneath. Then shall every spirit return into his own vessel and the bodies of the saints which have fallen asleep shall arise.
Then shall their bodies be changed into the image and likeness and the honour of the holy angels, and into the power of the image of mine holy Father. Then shall they be clothed with the vesture of life eternal, out of the cloud of light which hath never been seen in this world; for that cloud cometh down out of the highest realm of the heaven from the power of my Father. And that cloud shall compass about with the beauty thereof all the spirits that have believed in me.
Then shall they be clothed, and shall be borne by the hand of the holy angels like as I have told you aforetime. Then also shall they be lifted up into the air upon a cloud of light, and shall go with me rejoicing unto heaven, and then shall they continue in the light and honour of my Father. Then shall there be unto them great gladness with my Father and before the holy angels These are the signs of the sixth day.
And on the seventh day at the eighth hour (2 PM) there shall be voices in the four corners of the heaven. And all the air shall be shaken, and filled with holy angels, and they shall make war among them all the day long. And in that day shall mine elect be sought out by the holy angels from the destruction of the world. Then shall all men see that the hour of their destruction draweth near. These are the signs of the seventh day.
And when the seven days are passed by, on the eighth day at the sixth hour (noon) there shall be a sweet and tender voice in heaven from the east. Then shall that angel be revealed which hath power over the holy angels: and all the angels shall go forth with him, sitting upon chariots of the clouds of mine holy Father (so) rejoicing and running upon the air beneath the heaven to deliver the elect that have believed in me. And they shall rejoice that the destruction of this world hath come.”
The words of the Saviour unto Thomas are ended, concerning the end of this world.
This Apocalypse of Thomas we read above can be associated with Rev 16 about the Bowls! Cross references in sixth seal and first four Trumpets.
Fifth and sixth Trumpet are depicting a war/wars.
Seventh Trumpet is the last day of great wrath and gathering of the saints.
To understand the seven days and the eight day, read more on The Eight Day of Eternity
This generation shall not pass
The Seventh Bowl of Wrath: the end
Rev 16:17: "And the seventh angel poured out his vial into the air; and there came a great voice out of the temple of heaven, from the throne, saying, It is done. 18And there were voices, and thunders, and lightnings; and there was a great earthquake, such as was not since men were upon the earth, so mighty an earthquake, and so great. 19And the great city was divided into three parts, and the cities of the nations fell: and great Babylon came in remembrance before God, to give unto her the cup of the wine of the fierceness of his wrath. 20And every island fled away, and the mountains were not found. 21And there fell upon men a great hail out of heaven, every stone about the weight of a talent: and men blasphemed God because of the plague of the hail; for the plague thereof was exceeding great."
Note: the misinterpretations, claims and corrections:
About rapture or how many times shall rapture occur!
Seven days or seven years or one day for thousand years is a biblical principal to set time, just as the seven day creation.
But the seven day's of Thomas' apocalyps aren't seven following real day's but a larger timeframe as each day for thousand years. During this period, the world will be dominated by tribulations, disasters ect…, as written in Revelation, better known as the Apocalypse. Here we see that the elect shall be gathered on the seventh and finally after the great judgment on the eight day.
Non biblical scriptures talk about ‘the elected ones’ BEFORE the end when Yeshua shall bring fire into the world! And this means before His visible second coming and before the very last great Day of Wrath. (Nag Hammadi scrolls, Great book of apocrypha, Revelation of Peter…) Note: Part of Revelation refers to history events, and already occured, but it reveals also future things.
These elected ones mentioned in the eight day, will all make part of eternity: these are those who repented and died during all history's tribulations, but also all those who survive at the end day of wrath and will make part of the elected ones “alive”. Regarding my opinion, there shall be a first sealing of the elected ones (144000) before tribulations/wrath referring to the Cross events when Christ descended into Hades and delivered all waiting saints, and a clear stated sealing of the elected ones after the tribulation/wrath, dead or alive!
But the more I reflect the more understandings I get, at least if I’m right:
Regarding the Revelation 12 sign wherein many claim about a rapture, which in this case would be the one before tribulations, although we can’t prove by scriptures because Revelation doesn’t talk about a rapture nor a taken away or Revelation should only mentions one! But let’s assume there’s only rapture after tribulations of the elected ones regarding Revelation 12, then we see that all these tribulations and disasters haven’t occurred yet, knowing that the sign of Revelation 12 shall be seen on 23/24 September 2017! Some claim that one rapture shall take place around this date, but according to the determined ‘seven days’ of tribulations as many claim, and disasters during these seven years period which all didn’t appear yet, I only can state that there will be no rapture before or immediately after the Revelation 12 sign. This sign is only a sign to watch and to consider, all the rest will follow…, same as we saw after the blood moons: nothing happened before or at once, nor soon thereafter, but a lot later.
Is it possible that this Revelation 12 sign is the beginning of the end or a seven year tribulation/wrath period, and at the same time a sign of the first rapture as many claim? Hardly! These are all misinterpretations! Tribulations are of all times, in particular if we regard Israel!
However deliverance shall take place somewhere in the future, not this year, although this date coincides with Yom Teru’ah or Feast of Trumpets which is the time period our Lord was born and will return as many claim, but first, we do not know the day nor the year, and thereby, the feast of Tabernacles fits more into the theory regarding the Eighth Day and rapture of the living as many claim is not a biblical event nor mentioned in any other external scripture.
Bible tells us about a removal of the restrainer! John15:26: "When the Advocate comes, whom I will send you from the Father — the Spirit of truth who goes out from the Father — He will testify about Me."
The Holy Spirit is from God and divine not earthly, so the church is not the Holy Spirit itself but it's only upon her and can be taken away from her anytime if needed.
Is it possible that Rev 12 (besides the resurrection of the 144 000) refers to the taking away of the Restrainer only (which only came upon us after the first coming and Yeshua's resurrection) and then the church remains on earth facing the great wrath until the last destructive day of wrath (as in Noah's day's) as a test from God to the church whether she is steadfast and can behold until the end? It's a possible view, but I consider Rev 12 as already fulfilled in relation to the last week of Daniel's 70th week prophecy.
…6 And you know what is now restraining him, so that he will be revealed at the proper time. 7 For the mystery of lawlessness is already at work, but the one who now restrains it will continue until he is taken out of the way. 8And then the lawless one will be revealed, whom the Lord Jesus will slay with the breath of His mouth and abolish by the majesty of His arrival.…"
THE ONE WHO NOW RESTRAINS IT... UNTIL HE IS TAKENOUT OF THE WAY! Refers 'one' to the church or to a single identity?
KJV: 7For the mystery of iniquity doth already work: only he who now letteth will let, until he be taken out of the way. 8And then shall that Wicked be revealed, whom the Lord shall consume with the spirit of his mouth, and shall destroy with the brightness of his coming:
'HE'be taken out of the way!': that's not the church, for only the Holy Spirit can restrain, not a (still) mortal church who in the worst case always could be deceived at any time!
Aramaic Bible in Plain English
"The mystery of evil has even now begun to work within, only if that which now controls will be taken from the midst;"
'WHICH NOW CONTROLS'! the church? The church/saints as we state during history until today hasn't controled anything until today, as if the church has been able to stop all the evil up to now, however, they remain strong thanks to the Holy Spirit, but once the latter leaves the world and gets back to the Throne... while the church/saints are still on earth... they are susceptible to error!
It's the Holy Spirit only who does uphold the future false prophet! But when the Holy Spirit is taken away, then the church saints are by their own and could be easely be deceived by the signs and wonders of this evil identity and then destruction of the soul gets free access. If a saint accepts the beast's cult, he'll be lost forever, and this is the destruction from within. when the restrainer is taken away, then who rules? Satan! When we regard the present already fulfilled +-7500 years, than this 'taking away of the restrainer' also could possibly refer to the short release of satan upon the earth as we read in Revelation after the millennium. If we present have 7500 years, where does a millennium fit in if we only got 500 years until the Eighth Day of eternity? ! More explanations on page: The Eighth Day of Eternity.
There's also still one quote to remember: Many are called, but few are chosen! If this quote means what it says, and surely also does, then the whole church will not be saved unless she succeeds to all coming attempts of wrath and deceptions and will last in faith to the Lord, even with her life. Before God shall save his chosen saints, He will put them under a great test and only those who behold and remain strong in faith before the last great day of wrath shall be saved and reign with Him for a short period before the Eighth Day begins!
'He' the Holy Spirit:
John 16:7:"But I tell you the truth, it is for your benefit that I am going away. Unless I go away, the Advocate will not come to you; but if I go, I will send Him to you. 8And when He comes, He will convict the world in regard to sin and righteousness and judgment:…
My 2nd Fbookpage: https://www.facebook.com/TrueGospelofYehoshua/
Apocalyps of Thomas: "And on the seventh day at the eighth hour there shall be voices in the four corners of the heaven. And all the air shall be shaken, and filled with holy angels, and they shall make war among them all the day long. And in that day shall mine elect be sought out by the holy angels from the destruction of the world. Then shall all men see that the hour of their destruction draweth near .These are the signs of the 'seventh day."
This is the last day or last 7000 years. He will return during the seventh Day! Present day is about 7500 years, and very close to the Eighth Day! Read more about this timeline: The Eighth Day of Eternity
What says Revelation?
Revelation 6: The Fifth Seal—Martyrs
9 “When the Lamb broke the fifth seal, I saw underneath the altar the souls of those who had been slain because of the word of God, and because of the testimony which they had maintained; 10and they cried out with a loud voice, saying, "How long, O Lord, holy and true, will You refrain from judging and avenging our blood on those who dwell on the earth?" 11 And there was given to each of them a white robe; and they were told that they should rest for a little while longer, until the number of their fellow servants and their brethren who were to be killed even as they had been would be completed also.”
This is not rapture, but a comfort to wait a little longer until the end when all elected are chosen. Those who already died and are still waiting, until the first resurrection after the Cross, or until the number of the (dead) saints is completed after tribulations in the last days. The remnant are those who survive, the remaining part of living people who will reign with the Lord.
(for many shall repent in those days, and Yeshua loves a big harvest!)
Then Revelation mentions the 144000 sealed ones! Rapture or only a reveal of their number?!
Rev 7:4-:
“And after these things I saw four angels standing on the four corners of the earth, holding the four winds of the earth, that the wind should not blow on the earth, nor on the sea, nor on any tree.
2 And I saw another angel ascending from the east, having the seal of the living God: and he cried with a loud voice to the four angels, to whom it was given to hurt the earth and the sea,
3 Saying, Hurt not the earth, neither the sea, nor the trees, till we have sealed the servants of our God in their foreheads.
4 And I heard the number of them which were sealed: and there were sealed an hundred and forty and four thousand of all the tribes of the children of Israel.”
12000 of every tribe!
Is this a revelation of an amount of 144000 sealed ones, or the number of those who shall be taken away before the last wrath, because Rev 7:3 says not to hurt the earth, see or trees until the saints are sailed!? But when we read further it is written: Rev 14:2-: “And I heard a sound from heaven like the roar of rushing waters and the loud rumbling of thunder. And the sound I heard was like harpists strumming their harps. 3 And they sang a new song before the throne and before the four living creatures and the elders. And no one could learn the song except the one hundred forty-four thousand who had been redeemed from the earth. 4 These are the ones who have not been defiled with women, for they are virgins. They follow the Lamb wherever He goes. They have been redeemed from among men as firstfruits to God and to the Lamb…”
Firstfruits?! This must be a special group!
Aren’t the firstfruits those who shall be taken away before the last wrath? I think! And what does ‘for they are virgins’ mean? I think these are the faithful ones, alone or married, but who never committed adultery and/or are still with their first choice or spouse. But as we see it’s not a large group, while the second rapture after tribulations is clearly a much larger group. The first group were those delivered immediately after the Cross, the second group those who died after the Cross until present time. On the last day they all will resurrect and will come along with the lord at His second coming. These are the First Fruits!
Then we read:
Revelation 7: 9-: A Multitude from the Tribulation:
A ‘taken away’ after tribulations:
9 “After these things I looked, and behold, a great multitude which no one could count, from every nation and [all] tribes and peoples and tongues, standing before the throne and before the Lamb, clothed in white robes, and palm branches [were] in their hands; 10and they cry out with a loud voice, saying, "Salvation to our God who sits on the throne, and to the Lamb." 11And all the angels were standing around the throne and [around] the elders and the four living creatures; and they fell on their faces before the throne and worshiped God, 12saying, "Amen, blessing and glory and wisdom and thanksgiving and honor and power and might, [be] to our God forever and ever. Amen."
13Then one of the elders answered, saying to me, "These who are clothed in the white robes, who are they, and where have they come from?" 14I said to him, "My lord, you know." And he said to me, "These are the ones who come out of the great tribulation, and they have washed their robes and made them white in the blood of the Lamb. 15"For this reason, they are before the throne of God; and they serve Him day and night in His temple; and He who sits on the throne will spread His tabernacle over them. 16"They will hunger no longer, nor thirst anymore; nor will the sun beat down on them, nor any heat; 17for the Lamb in the center of the throne will be their shepherd, and will guide them to springs of the water of life; and God will wipe every tear from their eyes."
These are those coming out from great tribulations and wrath, when all elected coming out of that whole period shall be gathered, but only those who died, and this event regards a resurrection of the First Fruits during the last days. One Rapture dear brothers, we can be sure shall occur on the last day, and scriptures are very clear in this, not only bible but not of the living, because the remnant of the living Elect are those 'who remain' and will reign with Christ!
If Revelation should be a chronical time line story of the last days, than rapture would occur before the sign of Revelation 12, but it isn't. Seals, bowls and trumpets in a way or another are connected to each other, and thereby no one knows the day nor the hour, but those who are in Me, Yeshua said, they know the time period: which as many claim is in Fall, and remember Yom Teru’ah (Feast of Trumpets), for this was also the appointed time of His birth! But that's not what the Seven Days and the Eighth Day refer to, but refers to the hour of His return in connection with the feast of Tabernacles.
If the sign of Rev 12 next september 2017 would announce rapture and wrath, then i fear this would be too soon according the timeline according the timeframe of the ages, and fact that rapture is not biblical nor scriptural, i only believe in the physical birth and death of Christ, His descending into Hades to deliver the waiting saints as we read in de Gospels. And there's further nothing more to seek after this Rev 12 revealing. Rev 12:14 about the 3,5 years the woman will be persecuted refers to the period after the Cross until the first martyr died! These 3,5 years are the last half of the last week of Daniel's 70th week prophecy. Read more on The 70th week prophecy fulfilled and 2300 Mornings & Evenings.
After this sign, I think tribulations and the first part of wrath will start in the Middle East blowing over into the West. Then the worst wrath follows.
Then where the rapture is mentioned before tribulations if it shouldn’t concern the 144000?
Or, (this regards only my speculation and not necessary the right one!)
Is there some rapture of saints hidden in Revelation 12, when the child is born and was taken away to the throne of God, and set apart? Regarding my understandings is Rev 12 talking about the Holy Spirit to be taken away and then the lawlessness reveals.
This seems much like a rapture to me, and a revealing of the real physical birth of Yeshua telling us that when He died on the Cross, He descended to his first fruits before the Holy Spirit came upon us, those who believed in His Father before His birth, and all those were redeemed and set free from their bandage of the outer Darkness were they were waiting until that day; this was a so called first resurrection of the saints, The First Fruits, and all these saints were set apart until the number of all His saints is completed, so they must wait a while until the second coming. In this case, if I’m right, Revelation 12 has a twofold meaning: first the real birth of Yeshua and already occurred, and a prophecy regarding the first resurrection after tribulations and on the last day of wrath. (Look on my page: 'Who are the 144 000?', meanwhile we know who they are!)
But in this case the remnant shall not be delivered until the last great day of wrath!
Repent and be ready, for you, the ignorant date setters, for we do not know the day or the year just like Noah's saving: saved just before the great wrath upon the world!
From the ‘Gospel of the Pistis Sophia: chapter 123:
"And from this hour onwards no one will be able to enter into the Light and no one be able to go forth. For at the completion of the time of the number of the perfect souls, before I have set fire to the world, in order that it may purify the æons and the veils and the firmaments and the whole earth and also all the matters which are on it, mankind |318. will be still existing.”
From: ‘The revelation of Peter (apocrypha):
And I, Peter, answered and said unto him: Interpret unto me concerning the fig-tree, whereby we shall perceive it; for throughout all its days doth the fig-tree send forth shoots, and every year it bringeth forth its fruit for its master. What then meaneth the parable of the fig-tree? We know it not.
And the Master (Lord) answered and said unto me:” Understandest thou not that the fig-tree is the house of Israel? Even as a man that planted a fig-tree in his garden, and it brought forth no fruit. And he sought the fruit thereof many years and when he found it not, he said to the keeper of his garden: Root up this fig-tree that it make not our ground to be unfruitful. And the gardener said unto God: (Suffer us) to rid it of weeds and dig the ground round about it and water it. If then it bear not fruit, we will straightway remove its roots out of the garden and plant another in place of it. Hast thou not understood that the fig-tree is the house of Israel? Verily I say unto thee, when the twigs thereof have sprouted forth in the last days, then shall feigned Christs come and awake expectation saying: I am the Christ, that am now come into the world. And when they (Israel) shall perceive the wickedness of their deeds they shall turn away after them and deny him [whom our fathers did praise], even the first Christ whom they crucified and therein sinned a great sin. But this deceiver is not the Christ. And when they reject him he shall slay with the sword, and there shall be many martyrs. Then shall the twigs of the fig-tree, that is, the house of Israel, shoot forth: many shall become martyrs at his hand. Enoch and Elias shall be sent to teach them that this is the deceiver which must come into the world and do signs and wonders to deceive. And therefore shall they that die by his hand be martyrs, and shall be reckoned among the good and righteous martyrs who have pleased God in their life.”
Another apocryphal scripture says about the last seven days (years):
From: ‘Letters of the Apostles’ or Epistula Apostolorum:
"17 We said unto him: Lord, after how many years shall this come to pass ? He said unto us: When the hundredth part and the twentieth part is fulfilled, between the Pentecost and the feast of unleavened bread, then shall the coming of my Father be"
(so Copt.: When an hundred and fifty years are past, in the days of the feast of Passover and Pentecost, &c., Eth.: . . . (imperfect word) year is fulfilled, between the unleavened bread and Pentecost shall be the coming of my Father, Lat.).
We read:
We (disciples) asked Him: “O Lord, how many years until the end?” And He said unto us, “When the one hundred and fifty years are replete, then the return of My Father shall occur between Pentecost and Passover.” (Between Shavu’ot and Pesach: and Yom Teru’ah lies in between) But Tabernacles seems more to fit because of the seven plus eight day of feasts.
Then He said: “I am all in the Father and the Father is in Me.”
150 years? Counting from…?
If we know that God meant 6000 years when He said; ‘I gave unto men 120 years’, and the result is 120 x 50 jubilee years is 6000, then 150 x 50 is 7500… but… there’s a but: according to creation calendar, not our current Gregorian calendar!
If we compare this 7500 years with my study about The Eighth Day of Eternity, we see too much similarities!
The Creation Calendar is the 7000 year framework of time, integral to the design of the universe. יהושע the Messiah has determined to perfect the universe within 7000 years. The universe contains seven 1000 year periods called millennia. A millennium contains 20 Jubilee Cycles where each cycle lasts 50 years. יהוה told Noah in Genesis 6:3 that after 120 Jubilee Years, or 6000 years, He would no longer strive with mortal man. At the end of the sixth millennium יהושע the Messiah will grant the gift of eternal life - the Age of Life to all who believe and obey Him. But there are seven days to complete until the Eighth Day!
From:Torah Calendar.com
Are you ready?
'Blessed are those who did not see Me, but believed in Me!'
Blessed and watch the signs!