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Is it possible that Daniel's last week has long been in progress or is it a twofold prophecy?


             Let's examine history if we maybe find anything there!

Restoration of Israel prophesied by Daniel

In Daniel 10 we read that the Jewish prophet is given a 'face' of God about the end times and the future of the Jewish people. In the first verse of Daniel writes that at the time of these revelations King Cyrus (Cyrus or Belteshazzar) reigned for three years over Persians. Historians place the first year of Cyrus in 536 BC .. The third year of Cyrus is 533. BC …


Then we read in Daniel 12: 6-7:

"... How long the end of these wonders? Then I heard the man swear ... ... for a time, times and half a time, and when there is an end to the shattering of the power of the holy people, all these things shall be finished. "

 Daniel 12: 7 from K.J.: '' And I heard the man clothed in linen, who was upstairs on the water of the river, when he held up his right hand and his left hand toward heaven, and swore by him that ever lives, that after an appointed time, appointed times and a half, and when he shall have accomplished to scatter the power of the holy people, all these things shall be finished. "

Jews -both traditional and Messianic- But knowing is taught a slightly different translation of this verse than most Christians. Here is the version as it appears in the Tanakh:

"... And he swore by the life of the world that has come in the time of (two) times and half, and when there is an end to the shattering of the power of the holy people, all these things will be finished be.'

Although nowhere defined "times" is explained, most Christians know the explanation given in 2 Peter 3: 8:

"But this one can not escape you, beloved, that one day is with the Lord as a thousand years and a thousand years as one day."

The Greek word translated in this verse with 'day' is 'hemera', which means 'time'. In three other passages in the Bible (King James translation) "hemera" also translated as "time".

So if God with the word "time"(hemera) meant in reality 1,000 years (that one day is with the Lord as a thousand years and a thousand years as one day.), it says in Daniel 12 (Tanach) that the restoration of the Jewish people would be 2500 years away.


Let’s take a look:

533 (The third year of Cyrus) + 2500 = 1967.

In 1967 came an end to the control of the Gentiles in Jerusalem, when Israel liberated the Holy City during the Six Day War. Is this a one-off chance?

(A discussion of the Year '0' is meaningless, since it is generally assumed that there is a deviation of up to 2 to 3 years old can sit in the determination date of the Babylonian period.)

In one of the other visions of Daniel, we read:

"In the first year of Belshazzar, king of Babylon, Daniel had a dream and visions ..... Then he wrote the dream." (Daniel 7: 1) (550 or 552 BC?)

Further we read about this dream:

"He shall speak great words against the most High, and destroy the saints of the Most High; He will be on changing times and laws: and they shall be given into his hand until a time and times and half a time."  (In the time of times and half a time) (Daniel 7:25)


552 + 2500 = 1948. In 1948, the homeland of the Jews was restored and Israel established. There was indeed an end to the "shattering" ( "spread / scatter) of the holy people, the Jews, and they began to return to their country.

The assumption that the release of the two parallel prophecies after exactly 2,500 years in Israel’s most important years of 1948 and 1967, only are based on chance, it is statistically absurd and impossibly small.


The Dome of the Rock and the creation of Israel

Another alternative explanation for the "1260 days" in the following text from the Book of Revelation:

"And the woman fled into the wilderness, where she hath a place prepared of God, that they should feed her there a thousand two hundred and threescore days." (Rev.12: 6)

The assumption that we can count on each "day" a "year" is among other things based on Ezekiel 4: 6: "If thou hast done this, thou shalt lie again on your right side, and thou shalt bear the iniquity of the house of Judah: forty days, each year I put you in one day."


Most Bible students agree that the "woman" in Rev 12 refers to Israel. As we just discussed on the basis of the '2500' year, we assume that the end of the 1260 "days" the period is when Israel came out from the "wilderness and out of the nations" (Ezekiel 20:35)  and started to return home in 1948: then is:  1948 - 1260 = 688. What happened in the year 688?

This was the founding year of the Islamic Dome of the Rock on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem.

Built between 688-692.


And these are the founding texts of the Dome of the Rock: (Blasphemies!)

"O People of the Book (To'rah, bible), not disrupts the limits of your religion, and God only speaks the truth. The Messiah, Jesus son of Mary, was only an apostle of God and his Word that he imparted to Mary, and a spirit emanating from Him. Therefore believe in Allah and His apostles, and say not 'Three'. That is better for you. God is only one God. Far be it from His exalted majesty that He should have a son. "


What does Bible say:

"Who is a liar but he who denies that Jesus is the Christ? This is (the) antichrist who denies the Father and the Son. Anyone who denies the Son has the Father. Whoever confesses the Son has the Father. " (1 John 2: 22)


The blasphemous creation verses of the Dome of the Rock are both written on the outside as on the inside of the building. In the nearly 1400-year Islamization of the Middle East, the Holy Land was both spiritually and literally dry, arid desert. Around the year 1800, Israel was left virtually, desolate plain fabric, which almost no one wanted to live.


The Dome of the Rock and the liberation of Jerusalem

From even more Biblical facts and prophecies we state that the Dome of the Rock is God's symbol in the Bible for the rise of Islam, and that Daniel's "time of the end" and "end of the world" directly pointing to the Islamic religion.


Take for example the '42 months' Revelation 11: 2: As many bible scholars claim:

"But the court which is without the temple leave out, and measure it not; for it is given unto the Gentiles; and they will trample the holy city forty-two months. "

So until 1948! 688 + 1260 = 1948

 "And from the time that the daily sacrifice is abolished and the abomination is set up, bringing desolation be a thousand two hundred and ninety days; = 1978! Blessed is he who waits and reaches a thousand three hundred thirty-five days” (Daniël.12: 12)       688 + 1335 = 2023 !!!

Revelation 12: The big sign in the sky will appear on 23/24 September 2017 Jerusalem date, and until 23 Sept. 2023 it take 6 years to go !!! Could match! But are we dealing with accurate calendars? Sure not! So, no one can set any end date!

Note that this is a personal speculation, I could be right and also very wrong! But it seems to me the most logical explanation of bible's endtime prophecies, because nowhere we can find an exact and determined date nor period referring to a particular recognizable event besides Rev 12, but we only can state that all prophecies regarding end time already occurred and we now are living in the LAST DAYS of the LAST AGE! The end times began after the cross and immediately after descending of the H. Spirit!  Cause even Yeshua said they already lived in the end times and to Daniel about the prophecies He said that these events all shall occur, a period of darkness, before the last days, but the end is not yet, because it still takes a while!

In March 1978 Israel invaded southern Lebanon just aim to purge the area of ​​Palestinian terrorists.


In 1978, a peace agreement was signed between Israel and Egypt.

Camp David 1978: On September 17, 1978 Israel and Egypt signed the Camp David Accords

The Camp David Accords were signed by Egyptian President Anwar El Sadat and Israeli Prime Minister Menachem Begin on September 17, 1978



"And he ( Antichrist or the beast: is Islam) a large mouth was given, and speaks blasphemies; and power was given him to continue forty and two months. " (Rev.13: 5)


There are 365.24 days in a solar year. Each month, an average of 30.44 days. 42 months x 30.44 days = 1278.5 days. The "days" and "years" taken 1967 - 1278.5 = 688.5. Again, the founding year of the Dome of the Rock.


Remarkably, the Dome of the Rock Mosque seems indeed been built on the site of the former forecourt of the Temple of Solomon. The "rock" on which the eponymous mosque was built is too hard to ever have done service as "threshing floor." And it is precisely this "threshing floor" (Oran the Jebusites) were according to the Bible, Solomon's Temple was built.


About 100 meters further on, however, a small, open dome, the "Dome of the Spirits", built atop the softer soil of the "threshing floor" mentioned in the Bible, where later was built the Temple of Solomon. That puts the current Dome of the Rock Mosque in the position where the former "Courtyard of the Gentiles' was, where even unwashed slaves were admitted. In other words: the Dome of the Rock mosque was indeed built on the site of the "court of the Gentiles, and not at the place where once stood the Temple!


Conclusion: The Dome of the Rock is obviously the sign of the Abomination of desolation! And 688 should be the mid period! This also means there’s no last week of Daniel concerning to the last days, cause we’re still in the middle of this so called big week and going into the very last days. All what’s written after Rev 12 hasn’t occur, so wait and see!

Regarding the two witness: I thinks it’s meant symbolic throughout the whole period til today and  these are Israel and the Christians who preached the gospel after the cross to the nations or heathens. (islam e.oth.)

Regarding this theory, the Temple will not be built before the Antichrist or islam is defeated, that’s cristal clear! Cause bible and also other scriptures state that all will end when evil is defeated!


Daniel's 1290 and 1335 days


"And from the time that the daily sacrifice is abolished and the abomination is set up, bringing desolation be a thousand two hundred and ninety days; Blessed is he who waits and reaches a thousand three hundred thirty-five days; ' (Daniël.11: 12)


Tanakh: "And from the time that the daily sacrifice was removed and the quiet (silent) abomination was placed, will be a thousand, two hundred and ninety days'


In the Old Testament the sacrifice in the Temple ceased about three times: once by King Ahab (2 Kron.28: 24-25), once during the Babylonian exile in 583 B.C. (2 Kron.36: 19 / Ezra 3: 6) and once in about 400 years later, the Greek king Antiochus Epiphanes who actually, and without question is the most responsible for the biblical abomination of desolation mentioned by Daniel. But history states more than one abomination.


Given the time in which Daniel lived, it is logical to go out of the year 583 B.C.. Regarding the Old Testament, we should count with a biblical prophetic year, which includes 360 days. 1 Biblical year is then equal to 0.9857 solar years. 1290 prophetic years = 1271.5 solar years. The explanation given in the Bible statement is:


583 + 688.5 = 1271.5, the year of the founding of the Dome of the Rock. Again!


The 1335 days of Daniel 12:12 put us in the year 732, in which the first Islamic Jihad was stopped and put records in the 'Battle of Tours' in France.


Under the leadership of Abd el Rahman the Umayyad Andalusian could penetrate deep into France. They were stopped in 732 near Poitiers and withdraw behind the Pyrenees.

Does this thought make any sense? I doubt, but could be, seen into future direction, but not necessarily within the whole concept of Daniel's last week which begins in a period after the Cross when we consider the first 1260 days/years of this last week to count before the Dome of The Rock which brings us into the year 572 BC, which is a period already concluded in the 69 weeks of Daniel! ?  Or, it has a twofold meaning: a long term week, and a biblical week or seven years where history repeats itself. But regarding my understandings there is not such as a last week because the 70th week prophecy is already fulfilled, and we know that God doesn't interrupt any of His timelines!




Preliminary conclusion:

-The Identity of the final 'Beast' is Islam/One world government?

-The 70th week of Daniel ??? not very clear past or present!

-The Identity of the "two witnesses":  is symbolic Israel & Christians.

-The Great tribulation: still in the future, or long-term presence as we state today?

-Rapture or the Taking away into Heaven: occurs the very last day during a great disaster, which is the day of the Messiah, His return! (Last day of Tabernacles which represents the eighth day?)

-The worst case scenario has yet to come! Therefore, be awaken!


Many Christians expect on the basis of modern and popular Bible statements that a new temple will be built at the beginning of the seven-year "great tribulation" in Jerusalem, in which the Antichrist will then take place and an "abomination of desolation" will be established. But this already happened in the past ! And according scripture there is not a 7 year tribulation, but only 3,5 years (3 yrs, 7 months and 27 days according to the Ascension of Isaiah!)12. And he (antichrist) shall bear sway three years and seven months and twenty-seven days.


However, there are strong indications that this "abomination of desolation" since the year 688 is in place: the Dome of the Rock, from set inside and out with blasphemies defined by the Bible as (of) the "Antichrist."


David Flynn discovered that the distance between the "black stone from heaven" in Mecca, the holiest shrine in Islam, and the Temple in Jerusalem measures correct to the cm, 666 nautical miles. This gives an unambiguous indication that the entity of the "Antichrist" and the "false prophet" can be found in the same religion in which "the Son" is denied, and thus God is blasphemed, and the "two witnesses "the only true God, Jews and Christians are already oppressed and persecuted for centuries.


To examine bible you'd better use an older translation not a current. Always compare with original scripture or use an Interlineaire Hebrew and Greek scripture! And examine by yourself first!


God bless you all, and do not stop seeking the Lord, whatever the endtheory may be, but we are definitely living in the end days!


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