Buy nor sell
Rev 13:16-18:
“And the second beast required all people small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hand or on their forehead,
17 so that no one could buy or sell unless he had the mark — the name of the beast or the number of its name.
18 Here is a call for wisdom: Let the one who has insight calculate the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man, and that number is six hundred sixty-six.…”
What could this refer to?
Again I express my personal meaning.
Regarding the beast empire, it shall include the sharia law that’s obvious. This law also requires that all those who submit to the beast will respect all the food offerings to their god, which means that they all merely will consume halal food.
Those who does not submit, and with all certainty will be true Christians, will not be allowed to purchase other than halal and Christian wholesale suppliers as well will not be able to sell food other than halal and probably will not do, and thus one cannot "buy or sell" or one will have to submit to the beast and converting into islam, which unfortunately will happen in those parts of the world where the beast reigns! And this will be with all other things men can buy or sell.
what is the Mark of the beast?
Very simple, and sometimes I cannot understand people are searching that far while the answer is so near: what do muslim warriors wear on their forehead and wrists when they are on jihad? The sign of the name of their pagan god! Look at ISIS soldiers and you know what the mark represents.
Thus forget about a chip or something like that!
But the mark of the Beast doesn't only refer to an islamic bandana or wrist band, but also the acceptance of the current world political and social system, the acceptance of world's view which tells us that gay is human and gay marriages acceptable, that abortion is permitted, that patchwork families are regular, that fornication is not a crime, corruption is a normal behave also among politicians and elites... ect... , which actually means to follow the world's main stream opinion, attitudes, laws, rules and permitted abominations. Those who worship and accept all these evil things or world's opinion, they actually worship the Beast lead by evil.
Blessed are you brothers and sisters, may peace be with you!