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or: what scripture really tells us about this topic! 















                                                                    Why I want to be a LEFT BEHIND!

Hopefully this teaching will show how history is indeed repeating itself in this area.
But before we begin to examine this topic of what many call the “Rapture,” let's look at one verse in Isaiah 1.
Isaiah 1:18 “Come now, let us reason together," says (Yahweh) the LORD.

Ask yourself the question, "Am I willing to reason with the Scriptures or am I wanting to debate my perspective?"

This is imperative that we answer this question now. Are you willing to examine the Scriptures from the viewpoint that some of your existing beliefs COULD actually be wrong? Could you actually entertain the thought that something you have believed in for years may indeed not be true? This is difficult for many but something that needs to honestly be addressed.
All too often when someone presents something that opposes what we believe, our first “knee-jerk” response is to reject it, simply because we struggle with the thought that we could actually be wrong.
So again I say, ask yourself, "Am I willing to reason with the Scriptures or am I wanting to debate my perspective?" You, and only you, can answer this question.

Isaiah 1:18 “Come now, let us reason together," says (Yahweh) the LORD.
Let’s touch on a couple of basics first.

Harmony of the Scriptures
This is a must. If you hold to a teaching or a belief that does not line up with ALL Scripture, then you need to seriously reconsider that view.
We believe that Scripture interprets Scripture. We do not believe that an interpretation of a Scripture is to interpret another Scripture. One more time. We believe that Scripture interprets Scripture. We do not believe that an interpretation of a Scripture is to interpret another Scripture.

Terminology that one uses must be Scriptural.

This is something that we believe is lacking with many believers today. We need to do our best in keeping with terms that are found in the Scriptures. What can develop is error. At the very least, misunderstanding will creep in over time.

Let’s face facts... The word Rapture does not exist in the Scriptures.

Should we use it? Many would say “Well, you know that it means the same thing.”
We understand where you are coming from. But is it in the Scriptures? If we are trying to be a “New Testament church,” shouldn’t we be using New Testament terms?

Other phrases you will not see in the Scriptures are:
- Church age.

You’ll see the word church and you’ll see the word age. But you’ll never see them together to name a particular age.

Another: - Tribulation saints.

You’ll see the word tribulation and you’ll see the word saints. But you’ll never see them together to name any particular type of saints.

This is truly imperative that we understand the importance of this. Not using biblical terms CAN eventually lead to unbiblical theology.

To begin our study, we need to briefly go over the five views of what has been traditionally called the “rapture.” It’s what the Scriptures refer to as the resurrection. Obviously, there will be variations within each camp of these views. But as a whole, these basically represent what each view holds to.

        Watch also this perfect insight

                                            in scripture!

           by  End Times In Real Time

The Rapture and the First Resurrection will take place immediately before the Battle of Armageddon at the end of the Great Tribulation. The Second Resurrection will not take place until 1,000 years later.

There will be no "LEFT BEHIND" opportunity to be saved. 

Saints in the Great Tribulation


Rev 13:7: "And it was given unto him to make war with the saints, and to overcome them: and power was given him over all kindreds, and tongues, and nations. 8And all that dwell upon the earth shall worship him, whose names are not written in the book of life of the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world. 9If any man have an ear, let him hear. 10He that leadeth into captivity shall go into captivity: he that killeth with the sword must be killed with the sword. Here is the patience and the faith of the saints."




The only correct view, insight and full understanding according to scripture. Current major view about 'rapture of the church previous to tribulations'  is not of the scripture.

The few 'left behind chosen ones' are those who will be saved and will make part of the resurrection on the LAST DAY  and Second Coming!

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